The cold 🥶 is coming

I handle my firewood in early Fall, everything under cover and tarped. Winter weekends I stock my garage with enough firewood and kindling for about ten days, so we don't have to haul from the shop after work in the dark daily. This makes it easy for my wife or daughter to get the stove fired up before I get home from work.😀
Glad to see us getting some snow. Pointless to work if not being productive. Just finished roof framing in the nick of time.
You are better prepared than me. I always say that we are going to split in the summer as we cut, but we never do.
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Looks like here in Ohio we should achieve some ice fishing conditions with this cold blast coming, I hope!
Been warm as hell up here in MN all winter so far. I finally lined up a day with a friend to head out his gun club and do some long range shooting this upcoming Sunday. The high is supposed to be -1.
Going to the one in New York Mills?
I’m thankful I have a warm home, and don’t have to step outside for a few days. Just hanging out with the older kids waiting for baby to come home from the hospital. I don’t mind the cold, but 40-50 mph and -20 temp is no fun. Once the wind dies down there’s almost always a good drift in the driveway, sometimes 7-8’ tall.
Glad we had a little test storm earlier this week. Pickup was scheduled for tires Wednesday. Tuesday's snow was a major slush event, roads were crap. Threw the plow on and headed out. Didn't even make it out of the lot, just no traction and figured it was the bad tires and ice combined. Made it home and dropped the plow in the drive... nothing, couldn't push, not even downhill.😠 Milked it along to get it out of the way. Did not have four wheel drive. The tires were getting put on at my mechanics shop so I called him and he said he would check it out.
Thursday morning, new tires. Turns out one of my employees unlocked a hub(not both). I did look at the hubs but Ill be damned if I can read those marks.
Just in time, 8 inches so far and its not ending soon.

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