Things that go bump in the van.


New member
Mar 28, 2001
Ohio but my heart is always in the woods
Well on the drive back to SE Ohio from Toledo there was some boring moments for LittleNut in the rear seat. So he kept playing with one of those bungee deals that have a round black ball on them for tying down. He kwas doing it again when I heard the zing and a big thwack! I turn and glance back and see Martin rubbing his forehead with a WTF expression on his face. The knot formed quickly so he ended up stealing my soad to help keep the swelling down. After the laughter quit about 20 minutes later it started back up when he tried to sneak the bungee up near me so he would not play with it anymore.

So my new nickname for my youngest son will forever be "Knothead" :D :D :D

all mannnnn!, family trips are the best!
nut, that some funny shit!
good old knotty head! thats a classic!

jesus christ thats funny!
I'm just starting to see this behavior out of my 9,6,and 3 year olds. They can't even look at each other with out hitting, wrestling, or whacking. When bored they deviate toward picking up sharp objects and playing swords. The other day, while at work the wife called and told me she found them jousting on their bikes with 1" PVC pipe that I had left over from sprinklers.
That's funny. :D Poor kid...I had a knot or two like that at his age. Now he can tell all his sweeties that he headbutted a mugger or something. ;)
Nut, we took our first vacation this year without the kids along. It was nice at first but didn't take long to start missing them and the kind of adventures you just described.
Yea, 'knothead' brings back some good memories for me.

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