Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Tics not Tik Toc


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2023
I harvested a MT turkey on opening day. When I returned home, I had at least 20 tics on me with one burrowing into my side. Bringing tics home that spread to other family members is making life difficult as a hunting enthusiast. Sitka has the Equinox Insect Repellent that advertises its ability to ward off such insects. Does this work? What other methods are proven success stories? After hunting, Do I take off all my hunting close to in a garbage sack, while traveling home? I’m at a lost.


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I picked two off while hunting last week. I picked one off the underside of my arm Monday morning. About an hour ago I picked one out of my hair just at the cap line. I’m currently standing naked with my back to the bathroom mirror trying to see if I have any in my crack.

I’ll be coating all my clothing in permethrin tomorrow.
I've started treating clothing with permethrin, as well and it really does seem to work.

Going to give it a really good test tomorrow, when I'm out working in the woods of Long Island, all day...
I dilute 8oz of Gordon's 10 permethrin in 1.5 gallons of water. All of my hunting clothes, besides underwear, undershirts and socks, get submerged until soaked through. I then wring them out by hand and let air dry. I've not had a tick on me since starting this years ago. At the beginning of fall season I wash all of the clothes and treat them, same in the spring.
Treat your clothes with permetherin. We had a wimpy winter in michigan, but second year in a row I've pulled ticks off my dog in January, February, and March...which is nuts. I hate those damn things.
Same...ticks on dog in January and February in Iowa! Nuts. And with Lyme disease endemic here, it's very scary. I've been treated twice in last 3 years.
Bringing tics home that spread to other family members is making life difficult as a hunting enthusiast.
Agree...transference to my kids is the scariest part.

I picked up permethrin concentrate and genric spray bottle at local feed store...will dilute and spray that on hunting/hiking clothing and boots etc.

Also plan to overlay with 20% picardin lotion and/or spray on skin (neck, around hairline, etc) for outdoor outings through the summer.

Permethrin on fabric.

20% picardin on skin.

That's the plan, will see how well it works.

Good luck! (And great bird!)
Permethrin for all of your clothes & footwear, picaridin for your body. I use the Sawyer lotion for picaridin. Lasts all day and doesn't sweat off easily.

1 tick in '24 so far on the dogs. None on me. None in '23 during hunting season for me either while the dogs were picking up between a dozen and once the black dog had almost 4 dozen.
For dogs Parastar+ was amazing - not a single attached tick in a dozen years with two hunting dogs. Off the market now. k9Advantix II is next best thing. We will see, but early spring ticks are crazy right now and we have only found dead ones on the dogs so far. Our cabin is tick central, I got lymes 15 years ago, no fun. Have consistently used Permethrin products on clothes/boots (and DEET or Picardin spray on legs/arms) ever since and haven't had one tick on me. Definitely piece of mind when trampling around northern MN. And all signs show 2024 will be a Boon & Crockett year for tick in our area.
I picked two off while hunting last week. I picked one off the underside of my arm Monday morning. About an hour ago I picked one out of my hair just at the cap line. I’m currently standing naked with my back to the bathroom mirror trying to see if I have any in my crack.

I’ll be coating all my clothing in permethrin tomorrow.
Me too
Turkey hunting last year picked something like 15 of them off me before I got in the wife's car (better on gas mileage). Stripped down to my skivvies and drove home.

Threw clothes in the dryer and found a half dozen or so more in the lint trap fried to a crisp.

Nasty little buggers.

Wife found one on her seatbelt the next day heading to work, last time I think I'll be allowed to use her car for hunting.
Permethrin for sure. Drench your clothes in it. Then high deet spray. Having contracted Lyme disease last spring I can promise you that you don't want it.
Permethrin scares the shit out of me. I'd much rather take my chances with the ticks.
+1 for permethrin, in case anyone still wasn't convinced :).

One caveat: once it's dry, permethrin is harmless to pets, but the liquid form is highly toxic to cats, so if you have them just make sure they don't have access to your gear while it's drying. Conversely, you can spray it directly on your dog, horse, and yourself if you want to.
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