WTF did i do to piss off mother nature?

Oofta partner that's brutal, I've been there to man. Happened to me on my very first day of work at my new job about 12 years ago. Awesome first impression. Hope you heal up soon.
Damn Pat what’d the other guy look like?🤣

I banked shot a bald faced hornet years ago off the side mirror of my pickup (windows down), he too it out on the base of my nose right where it meets your upper lip. Hurt like a MOFO and I looked like a cartoon character for the next couple of days. Swole my nostrils shut and I sounded like Daffy Duck as well😖
Damn Pat what’d the other guy look like?🤣

I banked shot a bald faced hornet years ago off the side mirror of my pickup (windows down), he too it out on the base of my nose right where it meets your upper lip. Hurt like a MOFO and I looked like a cartoon character for the next couple of days. Swole my nostrils shut and I sounded like Daffy Duck as well😖
This is the second time I took one to the lip. Once was drinking a mountain dew and the prick was in the can. The all time worst was when I bit into a lope burger and I spit it out all over the table because I thought I bit into a broadhead blade and sliced my tongue with a blade....... the bastard crawled into the burger and I took a bit of him and he got my tongue. But dang man..... out of 4 days???? WTF twice mountain biking and once on the ATV
Was going to repair some fence and needed to get my t-post driver. It was hung about head level in a barn. Open side down. Lifted it off it’s nail and a red wasp flew out. My mouth was slightly open ( go ahead lift something above your head, your mouth will be open) stung me under the tongue. Tongue started to swell and I got the hell out of there. Benadryl and ice kept me out of the ER. Nature isn’t always nice.
Ouch, it could be because they heard you sell so many scopes to everyone at great deals so we have a better chance at whackin and few of the its other nature buddies.

My worst we several years ago at my kids game. Had a piece of smoked salmon. Yellow jacket was on the backside. I stuck it in my mouth and he got me on the tongue. Swelled up so bad. Hurt like a MOFO also
I’ve got drilled on the lip and in my ear before. Last week I got bailed on my ankle. It swole up immediately and about 3 days later it turned black and itches like a heroin addict coming down.l from a high.
I hope you heal up quickly. About 25 years ago a bumble bee flew into my mouth while I was doing about 20 mph on my road bike across the dam at Cherry Creek Reservoir in Denver. That was eventful.
A wasp or bee somehow survived impact with my motorcycle bonnet and intruded my personal space at highway speed. Got me about five times on the ear and jaw before I could pullover and get the helmet off.

Yes to benadryl and ice.
Well Pat, you drive a climate destroyer vehicle? Mother Nature has a bitter 'tude with peeps of this sort.


Hope Bubba Gump returns to norm and you're off to the other side of the luck spectrum.
Yowzers, Pat! Yes to "Benadryl and ice".

As you have been through this a few times now, maybe even invest in an EpiPen (and carry it too).
This is the second time I took one to the lip. Once was drinking a mountain dew and the prick was in the can. The all time worst was when I bit into a lope burger and I spit it out all over the table because I thought I bit into a broadhead blade and sliced my tongue with a blade....... the bastard crawled into the burger and I took a bit of him and he got my tongue. But dang man..... out of 4 days???? WTF twice mountain biking and once on the ATV
I knew someone who died after swallowing a yellow jacket that was in a soda can. Stung her inside the throat.
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