you western


New member
Jul 3, 2009
Omaha, NE
I really like to see the posts from the guys out west with the elk, deer and lopes you shoot.
I have to laugh to myself though when your posts start out 'well, this isnt the 350+ elk I wanted'...or..."this is only a small lope"...or..."wasnt the biggest elk in the area". then the pics show these really nice (in us flatlanders minds) animals, beautiful heart bleeds ;).
You wont be catchin any flac for those from us LOL! What do the rest of you think?
Congrats and great animals guys....all of them! :)
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How about this then? Here is a lope bigger than any of you will ever dream about!! :hump: j/k...good memory with the boys. That is what it is all about, right?


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Fowl, I'd like to say you are raising your boys right... but I see one wearing a Duke hat and you're wearing a Sawx hat... aren't we responsible for teaching our youngsters how to make good decisions outside of the outdoors too?


Terrapins and Twins Fan

(All jokes aside, looks like a great memory that should be framed on your office desk or something.)
Funny you mention that. I was thinking just the same thing the other day while reading some threads posted on Utardland.
fowladdict1...yep...THATS a trophy hunt doesnt get better than one with the kids...look at those smiles, Id have that pic on the wall :D
that is a better lope than I have shot yet... maybe next year me and the boy will hit it in NM with a little luck
Thanks for the comments guys!

Smalls, I was born with Red Sox up to my knees. My dad was a bat boy for their spring training teams when he was growing up. What is going on with Minny??? Letting their stars go? I predict Mauer (or Morneau) in a Sox uniform in the next couple of years :hump: :hump:
As far as the Duke hat goes...the kid picked that all on his own. I think he wore that one because he wouldn't dare dirty his precious Boise State hats.

Duckhead...I commented here because I know what you mean. I try not to measure success based on the size of the horns, but based on the overall experience. However I have a NM hunt coming up and I might get a little carried away with the horn size :)
I'll admit, that's a cool story about your pops being a bat boy. Minny is making a run in a bad division right now... we'll see if there's enough days on the calendar to catch the Tiggers. You won't be seeing Mauer in a Sawx uni any time soon. Minny is going to sign a blank check for him and even in the slight chance that he does go elsewhere in free agency, you won't outbid the NYY. Feel lucky we gave you the best years of Big Papi's career.

As for Morneau... He's signed at a relatively bargain rate through 2013 or 14 and that's a long ways away.

Good luck in NM.
fowladdict1...hey...nothing wrong with goin for some horns lol...I just had to rib the guys here a
it makes it a real challenge to hold back lookin for the one you want.
we're on the same page...celebrate all hunts...put the right expectations with the right hunt...and make sure to enjoy time with the kids.
Good luck in'll have to post some pics. hope you get the one you're lookin for!

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