Caribou Gear Tarp
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  • Congrats on the tag - that's awesome! Yes I got mine down out of Toston but didn't hunt there very much in general. Don't be concerned that you haven't seen much for elk - the hills will come alive with elk here in a couple weeks. The spots you mentioned are all good - you won't have any problem finding elk. Feel free to message me as the season goes along especially if you are having trouble finding elk (you won't have trouble). Have fun with this hunt and don't get frustrated. What are your goals? Are you holding out for a 350+ bull? With hard work, you should have no problem shooting a mature bull......mine was 11 years old and scored 320. Not a monster rack but a nice mature bull that I am super proud of. I did see some 350+ bulls and messed up my only oppotunity to shoot one that size. Just have fun and take some moments to just soak it all in as you have 6 different bulls screaming all around you. There is nothing cooler than that in my books. Good luck!
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