NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Any Female Hunters Here?

Thia Queens of Camo

New member
Feb 23, 2013
Inland Northwest
I have been hunting for nearly 30 years. I have as much or more passion for hunting than most guys I know. I hunt with archery, rifle, muzzleloader, and shotgun. I hunt deer, elk, bear, coyotes, wolves, turkey and plan to add pronghorn, moose, caribou to my list in the near future.

Are there any other female hunters on this site? I would love to hear from other women who hunt or who are interested in starting hunting. Or even guys who want to get their ladies started!
She's signed up for hunters ed in April, going into the draws this year. She's having trouble shooting "cute little deer" I don't think she'll ever shoot a doe. She's a dead ringer with a muzzleloader!!
Kind of new to the site and have not seen many women post yet. I do however remember seeing a picture that involved a visor and a pair of shorts.
Mica Man, HAhaahha. But seriously.... Thia, Welcome to the site. My wife has started hunting with me for the last 3 years, and she comes down to the cave once in a while to check this one out when I'm on. She has taken one doe so far and packed it out. (said it was hers and she would pack). I will forward your blog to her as she seems to be more interested in women that hunt. They have little get togethers and classes here in MT that are geared for women and she is wanting to participate in those also.She also went to a walleye seminar and taught me a couple things I didn't know. Always willing to learn. Anyway welcome and you'll be hearing from Jewels soon I'm sure. We do need more Ladies that hunt here!
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My wife hunts, I'll try to convince her to join up.. I think she'd like to talk to other female hunters.


Awesome ScottP, and welcome Thia Queens of Camo.

My wife has been bitten by the affliction, she lurks, but doesn't post.





Wow, awesome pics! It must be an AK thing. That is where my wife is from, but didn't start hunting until she moved to WI.
Thank you for the welcome!! Awesome to hear there are a few women out there!!! Hopefully we can get them involved on here!! Maybe we need to talk to Randy about getting a women's section on here!! :) Bambistew and ScottP, your wives have taken some really nice animals! That's so great!! I hope to see them on here and would love to have them check out the Queens of Camo site. We have new blogs all the time, some of which are educational, some are stories of hunting experiences...lots of great information all written by women hunters. For anyone on Facebook, we also have pages there too (Queens of Camo and Thia Queens of Camo). I am also always eager to help out new hunters with any questions they might have.

Thanks again for the welcome!! Looking forward to seeing you all and hopefully your wives on the forum!!!


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Maybe I will have Mrs. Fin start a women's forum on the site. She has taken her share of critters, though the combination of her modesty and not having a very good camera when she did most of her hunting, has resulted in some rather marginal pics.

At the risk of being tossed out with the dog, I don't post many pics of her hunting. She has said, "Or else." Never got her mad enough to know what "Or else" means, so I am not going into those uncharted waters at this time.

Welcome to the site. Look forward to more of your pics and stories.

EDIT NOTE: I just went and set up a Forum - Women and Hunting. If you think there is a better title, let me know.
Welcome Thia! Good to see you posting. My wife hunts also, although not as much as she used to. She doesn't post here but reads over my shoulder whenever there's a funny story to be read. Looking forward to hearing your stories.


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Man I hope none of the cross-dressers on this site try to post up pics, seriously don’t.

Nice critters chickies!
Thanks for setting up the Women and Hunting section, Randy!!! I'm looking forward to seeing more women posting there and to sharing as much as I can!! I hope Mrs. Fin will pop in once in awhile too!!
I am allowed to post this pic of my wife without fear of retribution. Especially since she looked like the master hunter and I looked like a stooge.

Her biggest whitetail. Completely on her own, as her husband was staring off in the distance commenting that she should shoot one of the does I was looking at. She was looking at something else and I was paying no attention. I started to say, "If you don't want to fill your doe tags, that's fine. Give me the rifle and I will fill one of mine, right here and now ........."

"Bang!" Scared the hell out of me.

I look and see some does running off. I look through the binos and none seem the least bit injured. I tell her it looks like she missed. She explains the buck has dodged down into the brush.

With a marginal amount of humor, I stupidly ask, "What buck?"

As she points with great emphasis to a very thick patch of buck brush down in the cottonwood bottoms, her words inform me that I might have stepped on to some thin ice, "The buck that was with those does circling around in that brush right down there. If you had kept talking to me, they were going to run, so I shot 'em."

"You sure?"

With a look saved for times when I have crossed the line, she retorts,"Does a bear poop in the woods?" (Side note: She never cusses, so when she says things that usually have a cuss word and she replaces it with a word she is comfortable with, it is always funny for a guy like me who comes from a logging family where cussing is an art form for which people are respected. It is all I can do to not laugh out loud when she does that, but it is usually an occassion with enough gravity that laughter is not the best option.)

Chuckling under my breath; way under my breath, and not wanting to look like a bigger fool if in fact she did shoot a buck, marriage-saving words quickly leave my lips, "OK, I'll go look for blood. Guide me to the spot you last saw him."

As quick as my feet will take me, I am down the bank and wading into the swale of brush and snow. She guides me to where the buck disappeared. Huge streams of blood in the fresh snow. I look out in the opening ahead and there lays the buck.

Kinda felt like a fool. Not kinda; completely. In the matter of ten minutes I had contracted the worst case of "foot in mouth disease" of the last six months.

I explained that I was looking at some different deer and had no idea what she was looking at. Probably would have been better off just shutting my mouth, but knowing I had just served up a big plate of crow, I felt compelled to explain.

It would be an understatement to say she had a smug look on her face when I came back to our location for knives. Lucky for me, her modesty and humility does not allow her to give someone the rhubarb when they step in it, as I did that day.

My son, all of six years old at the time did not know the dynamics of adult relationships, had to join in with, "Dad, I saw the buck and watched her shoot it. You need to get some better glasses. That was a whopper and if Mom wasn't ready, it would've got away. Why didn't you see it? What were you looking at, Dad? ..........." and many other innocently truthful comments that under normal circumstances would have resulted in a DQ drought like he had ever experienced in the short years of his young life.

Both wife and son were more excited than I had ever seen them while hunting, so I suspect I was given a pretty easy pass on this one. Whew. :eek:

Great Story! I am predicting that all of us on here who wished that our wives hunted with us are going to be watching this like a kid looks through a Candy store window. John
Awesome buck for Mrs. Fin and great story around it!! Thanks for sharing it and thank you to your wife for consenting to your posting of her picture!! I hope she agrees to more sharing!!
my wife carla is my hunting partner,me and her have hunted together for at least the last 20 years,she hunts bear,cougar,deer,elk,and the ocasional crow.
another female hunter told me something i think all of us should remember,when we are out hunting,if you dont get a annimal,remember it is called hunting,not killing,so enjoy the experience.
and me and my wife allways enjoy the experence,we get to spend time together,talk,cook,hunt,and every now and then a little hugging,touching,and even some squeezing,you can learn alot about each other,when you spend time together,and hunt together.
so i say to all you hunter,if you can take your wife with you hunting,if she is willing to go,and enjoy yourselves.
and remember,hunting is not about the killing,it is about the hunting,and the time you spend doing what you love,with the person you love the most.:D
and my wife said it is allso about the bragging rights,when she harvest an annimal and i don't.L.O.L:p