First bear!


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2017
None of my buddies wanted to go, so I went alone, which is fine. But I like a buddy in grizz country cus I sleep a little better. Anyhow I drove up Sunday afternoon in time to walk up a creek I’ve been curious about since scouting google earth. There was very little grass in there and no black bear sign. Just a huge week old grizzly track and lots of moose sign. So I drove over to another trailhead that I decided on walking up the next morning and pitched a tent by the truck.
Walking up the trail was nice, with birds singing and a soft cool breeze to stop the sweat, at least for the first hour. 2 miles up the canyon I decided to head up the west side to the top, enabling me to see better both ways down the canyon, as well as a drainage that ran into it coming from the west. It looked to be a promising day as I saw 2 sets of bear tracks in the main trail at the bottom of the canyon, a large set and a smaller/average set. I had high hopes, and was glassing diligently every bit of openings in sight in all directions. In the drainage feeding into the canyon, an elk popped out feeding toward me, just starting to grow his 3rds. He was about 500 yards away and I kept checking him out periodically. I noticed that there was a squirrel in the patch of timber between him and I that kept going on about something he didn’t like. I figured it was probably another elk or maybe a deer, but I also noticed the elk was mildly concerned. I mapped my route of how I was going to make it to the next ridge, Incorporating the patch of timber below me, since it was so close and what the hay, may as well. I put my pack back on, then my rifle (kifaru gun bearer) then my trekking poles. I started into the trees wondering if I was going to see a bear in the really nice grassy meadow I would be on top of in an hour or 2.
40 yards in I catch movement out of the corner of my eye below. A big black fur ball was galloping away at 50 yards. In less than 2 seconds my rifle was shouldered with a shell jacked in. The bear paused behind a couple trees for about 2 seconds, and I was ready to squeeze off if he went either right or left. He went straight, and in a split second he was out of sight. I raced down the hill shucking my pack on the way down hoping I get get a shot through the trees but he was nowhere in sight. Bummed and irritated I walked back up and collected my crap. Backpack, bear spray, trekking poles. Well that thing is long gone, and he looked big too. I put my poles on the pack to facilitate quieter walking. Then I debated on leaving a round in the chamber. Maybe i should just in case. I walked further into the trees, looking for a track to see how big he was. Only 40 more yards past where I saw him and I look up hill, and there is a freaking hulk of a black bear standing 60 yards above me just looking at me! In disbelief I swung my gun up, sure he’s going to bolt before I get a shot. As soon as my cross hairs touch the center of his Front right shoulder (he’s quartering on) I squeeze off. Boom! He runs 15 yards and drops! Freaking big ole boar. More than I could have hoped for for a first bear. Thank you SnowyMountaineer for the tips and guidance. It didn’t end up being a real “spot n stalk” but I’m just as happy as if it was.
Oh! So after taking pics I get to work. Kind of tedious skinning a bear by yourself, trying to carefully cut the paws off without cutting the skin. He was a brawler and had a big nickel sized hole in his head behind his right eye. I had 2 paws off working on the 3rd and I hear a loud snort? Or maybe a stick smacking a log? I keep scanning my surroundings carefully. Then starts the whiny growling of a bear. I have my pistol rifle and bear spray ready. I hit record on my camera since it’s still on the tripod. The bear moves off. I never see it. It takes me another 30 min or so to finish the bear and I get him bagged. I got about 10 seconds into removing the first back strap and that bear starts growling again, this time closer and directly above me. Maybe 60 yds away? I told myself “you know what? I don’t need any backstrap. Time to go”. And I did go. Still took me another 5+ minutes to load up and I walked out of there rifle in hand, round in chamber. Was that a grizzly? Or a sow in heat looking for papa?


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Really nice bear. Just wondering did you take any of the meat? You said you got interrupted getting backstraps then got freaked out and left?
Really nice bear. Just wondering did you take any of the meat? You said you got interrupted getting backstraps then got freaked out and left?
Sadly no. In Wyoming you are not required to take the meat of lion wolf or bear. If I had a partner to stand watch there would be no issue but I didn’t, and didn’t feel like it was worth staying there any longer as I had already been there 3 hours with a dead bear and a dinner bell (gun shot).
Sadly no. In Wyoming you are not required to take the meat of lion wolf or bear. If I had a partner to stand watch there would be no issue but I didn’t, and didn’t feel like it was worth staying there any longer as I had already been there 3 hours with a dead bear and a dinner bell (gun shot).

Yea that’d be Pretty nerve racking. I wasn’t sure what the laws were for removal of a bear where you are at.
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