HB 1175

Bullshit. You are expressing an opinion.

I think night hunting is a great way to get kids excited and into the sport. You?

Stop acting like a snowflake.
Ya… your opinion is that they are something less than what you are in the great white hunter contest… if that floats your boat …

Um night hunting coyotes is a very cool way to get kids hooked

Night hunting deer is illegal

I hope you hunt with a long bow you made and a point you knapped cause a cross bow isn’t hunting

I mean who the hell can’t kill a deer at 50 yards with a cross bow thats not hunting

Those damn handicapped folks baiting and using a crossbow thinking they’re Daniel Boone… that ain’t huntin bubba 😳
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Everyone has the right to say what they wish …. I was disappointed our Director couldn’t communicate that belittling some one elses choices had no place in the discussion

It you state how someone else chooses to hunt is not hunting … you are belittling there choice

This was live streammed these meetings were going to discuss this upcoming bill

The director could have prefaced the discussion with a simple comment not to make personal claims or accusations of that nature

The next tome some adaptive sports org posts a cideo of someone ahooring a deer over bait…. Make sure you are the first one posting on their page that what just occurred was not hunting 😳

The thing is that is what is driving the entire debate…. a disease that has had 1 deer found dead in the wild with CWD in 13 years is being used and “ management” is being prostituted to ban an ethics issue by the “experts” …. AOC would be proud
Geez, three replies. Must have struck a nerve. But again…there was no personal attack or accusation. The gentleman voiced his opinion about a method of hunting. Period. You are going to great lengths to turn his comments into something they were not. Your faux outrage schtick is getting really old.

But I see you are going to change the subject again, to CWD now. It’s impossible to have a coherent discussion with all the topic-switching you do. You are a master at deflection.

Sticking to the topic at hand, it is very clear that the only opinion you want heard is your own. That’s not how management of public resources should work, ever.

Out before this one gets locked too.
Ya… your opinion is that they are something less than what you are in the great white hunter contest… if that floats your boat …
WTF are you talking about? An OPINION that something shouldn’t be legal because of personal ethics has nothing to do with a great white hunter contest. Where do I even enter one of these?

Like it or not, there ARE hunting laws in every state in the US and federal waterfowl laws that hinge on some level of widely accepted ethics. Stop being the victim and accept not everyone sees things the same. That does not directly equate to belittling.
Geez, three replies. Must have struck a nerve. But again…there was no personal attack or accusation. The gentleman voiced his opinion about a method of hunting. Period. You are going to great lengths to turn his comments into something they were not. Your faux outrage schtick is getting really old.

But I see you are going to change the subject again, to CWD now. It’s impossible to have a coherent discussion with all the topic-switching you do. You are a master at deflection.

Sticking to the topic at hand, it is very clear that the only opinion you want heard is your own. That’s not how management of public resources should work, ever.

Out before this one gets locked too.
Umm ya … adults belittling kids

Seriously the next time you see an adaptive spotts hunt or hwll even a perfectly healthy 11 year old take a doe over bait …. Get on their forum and make sure you let them know that was not hunting and are selfish and they are not a hunter

Make sure you post a link to it here so everyone can pile on and set these damn kids straight

The future of hunting depends on you eviscerating an 11 year old kid to meet YOUR standards
WTF are you talking about? An OPINION that something shouldn’t be legal because of personal ethics has nothing to do with a great white hunter contest. Where do I even enter one of these?

Like it or not, there ARE hunting laws in every state in the US and federal waterfowl
WTF are you talking about? An OPINION that something shouldn’t be legal because of personal ethics has nothing to do with a great white hunter contest. Where do I even enter one of these?

Like it or not, there ARE hunting laws in every state in the US and federal waterfowl laws that hinge on some level of widely accepted ethics. Stop being the victim and accept not everyone sees things the same. That does not directly equate to belittling.

laws that hinge on some level of widely accepted ethics. Stop being the victim and accept not everyone sees things the same. That does not directly equate to belittling. Fb
WTF are you talking about? An OPINION that something shouldn’t be legal because of personal ethics has nothing to do with a great white hunter contest. Where do I even enter one of these?

Like it or not, there ARE hunting laws in every state in the US and federal waterfowl laws that hinge on some level of widely accepted ethics. Stop being the victim and accept not everyone sees things the same. That does not directly equate to belittling.
The thread on trust lands took a turn towards management

The argument out of the gate on CWD and restrictions on baiting ALWAYS starts off let the experts who know the science “ manage” wildlife

Okay than if t is science and management then ban food plot which the science shows are a risk

Ban ALL feeding of all wildlife as a risk as well The NDGF don’t get to short stop feed or plant food plots nor does that rifle only hunter in his elevated stand

Get ready here in ND to go to a draw only archery tag because the bad lands are being over ran ( people posting about it on hunting forums) instead of hunting in their back yard after work

So now everyone kids included will have to wait 3 years to draw an archery tag and in a state that is 91% private lands that is getting tougher to gain access … it will continue to grow harder

If someone has to wait 3 years to draw an archery tag why the hell are they gonna let someone else on to shoot a buck they have been watching for those 3 years

And THATs what this is all about … not science based management ( 1 deer found dead in the wild in 13 years 😳) those odds its likely it had something on Hillary rather than cwd

You guys wanna rag on people for hiding behind kids … other sportsmen want an honest discussion this is about ethics and jealousy not science or management

If archery tag purchases are going up rifle tags might have to get cut back to “ manage “ the herd at the plan levels riflr only hunters are pissed “ the hig huck they watched all summer got shot in velvet begore they even had a crack …. 🥲it just not fair🥲

And THAT is why people are jumping on a kid for shooting a doe over bait
Ive met a couple guys that give up their time hunting to help handicapped folks have an opportunity

They are good people but our NDGF director sat quietly by while some jack ass called them “ selfish” on a live stream for everyone to hear

Stop and think about that disconnect from reality tone deaf accusation 😳

I guess this is where we are as a faceless made up name society peckin away on our phones
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Seriously the next time you see an adaptive spotts hunt or hwll even a perfectly healthy 11 year old take a doe over bait …. Get on their forum and make sure you let them know that was not hunting and are selfish and they are not a hunter
There you go again….Putting words in people’s mouths and assigning opinions to others they never expressed, and hiding behind a kid while you do it. This pattern is strong with you.

First, point to where I said any such thing please.

Not sure if this is an actual strategy of yours or just poor reading comprehension.
So you can’t tell me where to enter the great white hunter contest?
Night hunting deer is illegal
So is baiting in parts of ND. There is no science against hunting at night, a ban is not necessary to sustain the resource. Must be an elitist NDGF with a hidden agenda trying to impart their beliefs on sportsmen of ND. You guys should rally up with congress and restrict NDGF from banning night hunting. It gets dark early in November. It's hard enough for Handicapped/kids/veterans to get by without having to take time off work/school to go hunting during the daylight.
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There you go again….Putting words in people’s mouths and assigning opinions to others they never expressed, and hiding behind a kid while you do it. This pattern is strong with you.

First, point to where I said any such thing please.

Not sure if this is an actual strategy of yours or just poor reading comprehension.
First point to where I said you said that 🤔
So is baiting in parts of ND. There is no science against hunting at night, a ban is not necessary to sustain the resource. Must be an elitist NDGF with a hidden agenda trying to impart their beliefs on sportsmen of ND. You guys should rally up with congress and restrict NDGF from banning night hunting. It gets dark early in November. It's hard enough for Handicapped/kids/veterans to get by without having to take time off work/school to go hunting during the daylight.
and thats my point you want to ban baiting cause you think it is unethical …. Fine make the argument

Stand up and admit some guy with a pile of corn shot your 170 inch buck you had been waiting for rifle season and you are pissed

Don’t make some bullshit science management claim cause thats not whats driving this …. You see it in every discussion when we end up here

But most people won’t go there because they know its a losing argument cause most people think some 40 year old guy goin off on how some kid or old person baiting is not a hunter is kind of a douche move

And when our GF dept is willing to pit one group of hunters against another….. 😜

“This is all about the science of CWD and baiting “
“ don’t look at the science of CWD and food plots or our short stop feeding that doesn’t count cause we hunt over food plots ”
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So you can’t tell me where to enter the great white hunter contest?
every single hunting forum has one🤔 you wanna get entered post how you and your kid crawled up on a bunch of ducks resting on a slough and jumped them
and thats my point you want to ban baiting cause you think it is unethical …. Fine make the argument

Stand yp and admit some guy with a pile of corn shot your 170 inch buck you had been waiting for rifle season

Don’t make some bullshit science management claim cause thats not whats driving this …. You see it in every discussion when we w d up here

But most people won’t go there because they know its a losing argument cause most people think some 40 year old guy goin off on how some kid or old person baiting is not a hunter is kind of a douche move

And when our GF dept is willing to pit one group of hunters against another….. 😜

Who said I want to ban baiting at all much less because it's unethical? I don't really care on the ethics standpoint. I sat over a friends feeder one morning in ND this past September. I'm just not emotionally attached to it because every other state i hunt in bans it so it's never been a crutch.

I'm for the DNR making science based management decisions. The actions and claims made by you and the other Baiting activists make it easy for an objective person to want to avoid being associated with that side. You want hunting to be made easier (which again, I hold no ethical issue against) but arguments made are pathetic, dishonest, or not in good faith.
  1. The constant effort to try to make it about handicapped/kids/veterans is downright shameful, embarrassing, and yet you keep doubling down on it. Like any question on baiting isn't about baiting but rather an assault on this group. The fact you continually act like baiting is just for the old, young, handicapped, etc, you are the one treating these people like they are helplessly incapable without a baitpile.
  2. The whataboutism is about all you have.
    1. "but but what about food plots" - it's been covered multiple times, of course they congregate deer but on a much a smaller scale. Comparing a 100 square foot bait site to 1 acre (43,560 sq feet) food plot is laughable. Also, much harder to enforce and a gray area
    2. "but they congregate on hay bales anyway" - I assume you don't want NDGF to have management authority over how you protect your hay or every other aspect of your operation that could relate disease transmission? They are trying to do what they can within the authority they have.
  3. Pointing to garbage science while denying actual peer reviewed evidence and common sense
  4. Having pedophile, poacher, Nuge carry your water about CWD

I'm not even fully convinced in much of ND where deer yard up and hit haybales all winter that a bait ban would move the needle on CWD transmission. I'd have no issue with people pushing back on the basis of they believe that less regulation on means of take and making hunting easier with bait outweighs the risk of an incrementally increased CWD transmission rate which they don't believe is large. But that's not the way the Baiting lobby has approached this. The emotional attachment to baiting has brought out some shameful and pathetic arguments and actions.

I expect you'll join the fight to have legislature prevent NDGF from allowing night hunting. We cant have them pitting night hunters against day hunters, we all need to come together on this.
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So what ever happened with this access bill in the senate?

@brocksw posted above:

1175 vote on the Senate floor = 5 - 42


I'm hoping that some of the interested parties will work together outside of the legislature and figure out an amicable solution to the posting of state trust lands. I know BHA is invested in this and they have my support for their efforts to increase access to lands in ND.
Who said I want to ban baiting at all much less because it's unethical? I don't really care on the ethics standpoint. I sat over a friends feeder one morning in ND this past September. I'm just not emotionally attached to it because every other state i hunt in bans it so it's never been a crutch.
I'm for the DNR making science based management decisions. The actions and claims made by you and the other Baiting activists make it easy for an objective person to want to avoid being associated with that side. You want hunting to be made easier (which again, I hold no ethical issue against) but arguments made are pathetic, dishonest, or not in good faith.
  1. The constant effort to try to make it about handicapped/kids/veterans is downright shameful, embarrassing, and yet you keep doubling down on it. Like any question on baiting isn't about baiting but rather an assault on this group. The fact you continually act like baiting is just for the old, young, handicapped, etc, you are the one treating these people like they are helplessly incapable without a baitpile.
  2. The whataboutism is about all you have.
    1. "but but what about food plots" - it's been covered multiple times, of course they congregate deer but on a much a smaller scale. Comparing a 100 square foot bait site to 1 acre (43,560 sq feet) food plot is laughable. Also, much harder to enforce and a gray area
    2. "but they congregate on hay bales anyway" - I assume you don't want NDGF to have management authority over how you protect your hay or every other aspect of your operation that could relate disease transmission? They are trying to do what they can within the authority they have.
  3. Pointing to garbage science while denying actual peer reviewed evidence and common sense
  4. Having pedophile, poacher, Nuge carry your water about CWD

I'm not even fully convinced in much of ND where deer yard up and hit haybales all winter that a bait ban would move the needle on CWD transmission. I'd have no issue with people pushing back on the basis of they believe that less regulation on means of take and making hunting easier with bait outweighs the risk of an incrementally increased CWD transmission rate which they don't believe is large. But that's not the way the Baiting lobby has approached this. The emotional attachment to baiting has brought out some shameful and pathetic arguments and actions.

I expect you'll join the fight to have legislature prevent NDGF from allowing night hunting. We cant have them pitting night hunters against day hunters, we all need to come together on this.
”You” is referencing those wanting to ban baiting in general

So if your argument is science and letting the experts manage wildlife … tell us how short stop feeding …which the NDGF has done the last 13 years they are banning baiting …is less of a risk than baiting ?

It isn’t…

The NDGF admits on their website cwd prions can live and be transfered from things like a turnip plant leaf in a food plot planted to “ attract, congregate and hold deer to an area” …. Yet they PAY people to plant food plots that congregate deer for months in ND winters ( we have 400 in a 10 acre corn patch been there since the end of nov)
But lets ignore that science and risk because hunting over a food plot with a 6.5 dropping a deer your non native turnip plant drew in is ethical

In 13 years 1 deer has been found dead in the wild that tested positive for cwd…. 1 ….

The unit that consistently kicks out the most positive cwd cases ….3F2…hunting over bait has been banned for 13 years

And even though that unit 3F2 has the highest number of cwd positives…60% of all cwd cases found…. Prior to EHD …. deer numbers were growing

So the “science” is a bit different from the epidemic claims some want to make

Its a boogie man designed to gain support to ban something based on a ethical standing

I don’t like being lied to by govt agencies that work for us
Tell you what … you come out and take a look at the food plot we have 400 deer wintering in and tell me the risk of transference is low😳

Simple question yes or no … have you ever seen 600 deer congregating at a silage and chopped hay pile ?
We use trail cameras we use a bait pike on front of the camera

We have never had more than a couple dozen deer come to those small 1-2 bushel bait piles (actual photographic proof)

We left 10 acres of corn standing to keep the deer out of our hay yard as much as we can ( our version of short stop feeding like the NDGF does )

140 bushel/acre corn 1400 bushels

There is 400 deer congregated and feeding in that corn

When you see the ground covered between the rows with corn cobs that have been picked clean …. You realize the transference risk really isn’t any different between 400 deer in a food plot and 25 deer at a bait pile

400 deer 25 deer…. Which group is more likely to have an infected deer in it?

Which group has the potential for that infected deer to transfer cwd to the greatest number of deer ?

The NDGF own science says the cwd prion can live in the environment on plant leaves ect forever

It says it can live in the soil food plots are repeatedly planted in year after year to be taken up by the plant as it grows out of the soil forever

My guess is you have never seen 400 deer congregating in a food plot for 5 months

My guess is you have never seen 600 deer at a silage pile for 5 months

When you have… that little bait pile during archery season isnt quite so scary as the “experts” want it to be

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