PEAX Equipment

HB 1175

Heres a question for guys

We found CWD in ND in 2009 the GF banned hunting over bait in that unit and the neighboring one that year

So hunting over bait has been banned for 12 years in this unit and the neighboring one and yet 60% of the positives in the state have come from there most in the last couple years

Thats 3 average life cycles of a deer

So despite banning hunting over bait for 12 years taking away that transference risk… positives are INCREASING in this unit

This unit is primarily cattle country … ranches where deer naturally yard up all winter like we have been talking thats what is spreading CWD … nature

The reality is without increased testing we would never know CWD existed because there are no die offs of deer

But hey there's a few million in funding cut loose and we can take advantage to fear monger restrictions in place and shame
people into accepting them ….

1 single dead deer in 12 years found with CWD 😳
Given this thread has already been derailed, I do want to point out some details related to the secondary topic being discussed.

The NDGF has spent 4.3 million dollars since 2009(NDs first CWD positives) on exclusionary practices for ag producers. These are direct efforts to help keep deer off of hay stacks and other feed storage areas. That money has resulted in 464 hay yard projects since 2009. These include permanent barriers around haystacks and silage piles, horns/sirens (which are only successful in specific situations), temporary fencing/barriers, and other depredation practices that help the producer protect his feed and keep deer from congregating on those locations.

This year alone, because of the particularly bad winter, the NDGF has worked with 147 producers on these very issues. This program is completely voluntary and all materials used for these projects is paid in full by the NDGF and any labor is cost shared as well.

Perhaps I am wrong, but it seems as though GST has not participated in this program or made any effort to work with the GF to find potential solutions.

Carry on...
The problem is brock you think you know about things you have no knowledge or experience with

Copying and pasting something from the NDGF doesn’t make you an expert

So what do you suppose happens to the 2 3/4 mile long rows of ash and cottonwood seedlings about 3 foot tall
When you have 600 deer in your yard and you make the mistake of putting straw bales around all your hay so the deer don’t get it ? Or if you had put up the NDGF hay yard ? 🤔 we learned the hard way i can show you to bare rows between two rows of evergreens and a row of cariganas

Have you ever planted 3-4 miles of tree rows and cared for them brock ? It costs a bit and is a fair bit of work in dry years and if your hay is locked up in a high fence… they don’t last long

Stop out some time…I can show you

Oh hey what do you know about bale grazing ..?🤔 Interesting way to winter cows …. more and more ranchers are going to

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