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Offensive Mountain Name Changes

My opinion is somewhat irrelevant as I've never been to any of them. But I can't help but feel like it doesn't matter if my kids grow up calling a mountain a different name than I knew it by. It will take some time to learn for many I'm sure, but they'll be none the worse off.

A beach down here was renamed a few years ago I have no idea who the new person is. I just say, "You know John U. Lloyd park, or whatever it's called now." My kids will probably know it as Dr. Von D. Mizell-Eula Johnson State Park, and that's ok.
Its sad and sick. It reflects what Colorado has become. It used to be a state (EDIT: ("known for") immeasureable beauty offering hunting, fishing, and outdoor activities. Now it is a state full of cry babies, snowflakes and pot heads.
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Its sad and sick. It reflects what Colorado has become. It used to be a state with immeasureable beauty offering hunting, fishing, and outdoor activities. Now it is a state full of cry babies, snowflakes and pot heads.
Where did all that beauty and game go? I would like to visit their new location. Those snowflakes must have had a really big U-haul to move it all.

As I have said before - I think there is lots of snow flaking going on with both sides.
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Where did all that beauty and game go, I will go there and visit? Those snowflakes must have had a really big U-haul to move it all.

As I have said before - I think there is lots of snow flaking going on with both sides.
Colorado is nowhere near that bad. Reactionaries (both sides) always make things look worse than they are.
I'm gonna go all Onpoint on you guys and just say I'll bet more hunters will comment in opposition to this insignificant issue than will comment on any number of issues that come up monthly that actually affect hunting, habitat, and public lands.

Now, is there a Friday music thread to put everyone in a better mood? Sorry, Onpoint. ;)
I bet if someone digs deep enough, some dirt could probably come up on Amerigo Vespucci. Perhaps we should reconsider the name America...
For sure we have to rename the months of the year as these are all from the Julian calendar named after Julius Caesar, heck the month we are in now is directly named after him. Sure, he brought civilization to much of the old world, but he also has lots of dirt on him too! Lots of dirt on just about anyone who had a major impact on the world really...
All of this reminds of when ISIS was blowing up ancient historical sites that didn’t fit their Puritan narrative...
I was involved with and followed closely the many toponym changes years back, when the word squaw was removed from numerous place-names in Montana . It was the right thing to do.

There are 16 Black Mountains in Montana. What many folks don’t know, is 100 years ago some of those were N- word mountains. After that, some were changed to Negro Mountains. And now some of those are Black Mountains. The same line of events applies to many gulches in the state and I’m sure the west.

I look at name changes for the toponyms of our country as a great opportunity. If they decide that Indian Butte is offensive, great. There are five of them in Montana. Let’s come up with some descriptive and creative names that are memorable.

But if they touch Bloody Dick Peak, let the looting begin.
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I'm surprised this has taken so long. I've never been all that concerned about Colorado's 14ers which have roads to the top.

Is it weird to anyone else that the only sense of accomplishment for summiting a 14 in Colorado is that your brakes didn't overheat?
I'm gonna go all Onpoint on you guys and just say I'll bet more hunters will comment in opposition to this insignificant issue than will comment on any number of issues that come up monthly that actually affect hunting, habitat, and public lands.

Now, is there a Friday music thread to put everyone in a better mood? Sorry, Onpoint. ;)
Some might get butt hurt over who Haggin was and want to change the name, but this is what people here should really focus on.

All these offended folks will be creating jobs at map companies. Those guys will be working double time to keep up with this mess. 😂
It doesn't bother me much to change. Squaw tit was a good one to change. In general squaw <blank> referred to something undesirable (squaw fish, squaw berries, etc...).

I see they just decided to change Confederate gulch and Chinaman campgrounds on Canyon Ferry. That's fine, although they both are historical and I don't know why we'd hide the fact that confederate soldiers took up residence close by. If they start going after White Earth campground I might think their time and money could be better spent elsewhere....
But if they touch Bloody Dick Peak, let the looting begin.

I still haven't checked out this trail yet but saw it while looking at trails/maps. Big Dick trail follows Big Dick Creek up to Big Dick Point. Forest service recommends going up Long Liz and going down Big Dick. I am sure someone enjoyed writing that on the website :ROFLMAO:. Now I am worried someone will change it if I draw too much attention to it.

This provides a nice loop with Long Liz Trail 190 and the best way is to go up Long Liz and down Big Dick since Big Dick is the steeper trail.

There is a creek and campground just south of big dick creek that was changed from squaw to Telichpah. Both names show up on google maps.

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