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Point Banking to be discussed again by the CPW Commission


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2018
Fruita, Colorado
Despite CPW recommending against moving forward with point banking, the CPW commission will again discuss point banking next week, seeming due to one commissioner. See info below about alternatives developed by CPW.

Comments need to be submitted by noon on 4/28/23 for the comment to be provided to the commission prior to the meeting.
Submit comments to:
[email protected]
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they were surveying high point holder only on their thoughts since the last commission meeting. below is an example of one of the questions my friend sent me when he got the survey. it irritates me that they started only asking high point holder what they thought.


i like the idea of a 2 point penalty each time you use point banking. but it's moot, point banking will introduce more problems. i think it's likely to start causing all the consistently low point units to creep. and it wont' solve the mathematical issues underlying the top tier units and the futility in every bothering to apply for them.

i wonder if the guys who like to hunt 2nd choice elk units every year while they build points realize that point banking could easily cause them to start losing that opportunity to even have second choice units to hunt?
CPW says they want to address point creep. Point banking will pull fewer preference points out of the system when tags are drawn. Fewer points out of the system when tags are drawn = point creep gets worse.

It's literally just math and logic. But I guess that's two concepts that are difficult for people to grasp.
I sent my email, I hope everyone that is concerned with this does the same.
CPW says they want to address point creep. Point banking will pull fewer preference points out of the system when tags are drawn. Fewer points out of the system when tags are drawn = point creep gets worse.

It's literally just math and logic. But I guess that's two concepts that are difficult for people to grasp.
Reading the results from the 2006 trial it actually pulled more points out of the system than expected. It turned low point hunts into high point hunts and dramatically increased point creep for lower point holders. It turned a 5 point draw into a 9 point draw in one cycle. No one was happy about the unintended consequence of having high point holders jump in for the same hunt.
Comments submitted. Gotta love another instance of CPW staff saying "not a good idea' and the commission going "well let's ask just a certain subgroup what they think first" lol
If you have listened to recent meetings, it's essentially 1 commissioner that keeps asking to revisit this issue. CPW staff have been consistent in recommending the status quo.

and since when does 1 commissioner get to dictate continued wheel spinning for an entire agency?
Colorado's best in my opinion (for what it is worth)option is going to have to start offering some random tags similar to what AZ did. True preference works great if you get in on the ground floor, but the fact that as it stands my kids will never have a chance to hunt most of the units if they wanted to some day, plain sucks for them.
Fixed it for you. From the CPW staff memo on preference point banking:

Looking at results from the 2021 limited license draws for deer, elk, pronghorn, and bear, 95% of
nonresidents and 99% of residents were able to draw a license in Colorado with 5 or fewer preference

it's true. and that's exactly what we all want to preserve by saying no to this dead. ass. horse.

as you know.
Fixed it for you. From the CPW staff memo on preference point banking:
I am not saying the lower point tiers - and I'm not saying they deserve to hunt a 44 3rd either. But as it stands, they will not ever even have a chance. Even if only 25% of the tags went random, then at least there is a chance.
I agree that true preference systems are broken. But the fact is that there are not enough "premium" or "quality" or "high demand" hunts available to go around. No different than sheep or moose tags. Lots of people are going to die disappointed if they need those hunts in order to be satisfied.
My comment:

PWC has selectively surveyed the highest point holders on this topic, after hearing a resounding NO from interested parties via earlier survey. And CPW is opposed to point banking as well, for many good reasons. If the focus of one Commissioner can swerve the Board, that isn’t an effective Board any longer. The longer I watch complex efforts to “fix” the point system, the more I gravitate to simpler solutions. Absolutely opposed to point banking, it robs opportunity from lower point holders.

Thanks for your consideration,

My Name

CPW Round Table

Southeast Region Appointed Delegate.
I agree that true preference systems are broken. But the fact is that there are not enough "premium" or "quality" or "high demand" hunts available to go around. No different than sheep or moose tags. Lots of people are going to die disappointed if they need those hunts in order to be satisfied.

if i ran this nutty world we live in, i'd make it that any unit that exceeds 5 preference points becomes weighted MSG style of draw.

i'd also close 75% of existing forest service roads and outlaw all OHV use on all public lands punishable by fines no less than $20,000 and not to exceed $100,000 dollars and no less than 1 week tied naked to a pole in civic center park.

i digress tho
I agree that true preference systems are broken. But the fact is that there are not enough "premium" or "quality" or "high demand" hunts available to go around. No different than sheep or moose tags. Lots of people are going to die disappointed if they need those hunts in order to be satisfied.
Which is another way of saying the # of hunters far exceeds the # of premium opportunities.
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