PEAX Equipment

Quail hunting trip


Well-known member
May 21, 2018
Just got back from a trip I been talking about for 25+ years. Kids finally out of the house and with more free time I went quail hunting in Arizona. Before this trip I'd never been to arizona or hunted quail, but the trip was awesome. Hunted 7 days with my lab camping from the truck solo exploring the desert. Saw birds every day, but only was able get birds to hold and harvest birds on a few days. Had a blast as did my dog. I think he thought we we're chasing baby pheasants.20210206_100231.jpg
Really cool! How are access and hunter pressure in that part of the world?
In a good gambels year, quail are almost everywhere and most of the land is BLM, state or NFS. So access is no problem. Pressure isn’t bad away from the Phoenix area. Birds don’t hold as tight the farther into the season you go.