Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

TX whitetail rut hunt/now late season.

HuntTalk Freak

Well-known member
Feb 10, 2018
Every year for the past decade or so I’ve hunted the last two weeks of November down here in central TX. The rut is usually in full tilt and I enjoy just watching the deer act crazy for a while before I shoot one.
Things changed just a little when I got married and hunted just a little less then I really dialed back two years ago when my daughter was born. The plan this year was to leave the terrible two year old with my in-laws and the wife and I hunt today and tomorrow. Well it wasn’t meant to be.

My wife has been feeling poorly and noticed a lump in her throat about two weeks ago. She’s been to a specialist and has a CT scan on Monday. I’m very worried. She woke up the other night, looked at me and said “I’m scared I have cancer and am going to die.” She was still set on coming today, but when we woke up I pretty much begged her for us to just go home from the in-laws. She and my in-laws really pushed for me to come hunting and after sitting there with them for half the day I headed out.

Im not a religious person but if you are I ask that you please keep my wife in your thoughts.

On to the hunt.
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Conditions are just about perfect for major rut activity here. Cold, over cast and drizzle/rain. I was glad I brought my gaiters and rain jacket. My boots are still soaked through. And there is no dry wood to be found. Luckily I found a bag of wet charcoal under the pole barn. It took about two hours to cook my backstrap.

Got here a little too late to hunt but I did manage a mile loop just to look around.


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Even gas couldn’t keep a fire going but I had some company. I told them one day they’d be on a fire as a delicious steak.

Depending on the rain, I’m gonna sit in my favorite draw and rattle one in tomorrow.


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Im not a religious person but if you are I ask that you please keep my wife in your thoughts.

On to the hunt.
In absence of knowing, our minds always jump to worst case scenario. Chances are good it’s something else. Hope you guys have an answer soon that will bring some peace of mind.

Good luck on the hunt.
Believing for answers to be certain, for strength to be enough for the quest, with peace for your hearts. Cancer scares have a way of focusing the human mind, helping to crystallize what is important in life. Whatever the diagnosis I hope that this will draw you closer than ever to each other.
In absence of knowing, our minds always jump to worst case scenario. Chances are good it’s something else. Hope you guys have an answer soon that will bring some peace of mind.

Good luck on the hunt.
Thank you very much, and you’re probably right.
Well rattled in one little forky this morning and that’s all I’ve seen all day. My phone is having trouble keeping a charge and completely drained my power bank last night. I’ll try to post some updates this evening.

At least the rain stopped.
Don’t know where in the hill country u r but here SW of San Antonio the rain stopped and the WIND took its place…
Don’t know where in the hill country u r but here SW of San Antonio the rain stopped and the WIND took its place…
Yep! It’s blowing pretty good in San Saba. I actually got cold and went and took a nap, hiding out in my truck deciding where to hunt tonight.

I heard some turkey around midday and went looking for them, I must have spooked them because they shut up and I never did see them.

Feeling a bit feverish, might be coming down with what my wife and daughter have. Guess I’ll hunt this evening and head home in the morning. Haven’t seen much out moving in this wind.
So I’m sitting in the “tajmahal” to stay out of the wind. This side of the ranch is a little more protected too. I followed some big buck tracks in. Yes I’m sitting over a feeder but I just got it going today. I’ve haven’t hunted over here in about two seasons.


Had a little visitor already.

Well three doe came in, I just enjoyed watching them. After being in CO last month it really makes me see how small the deer are here. I should have shot one so I could make jerky and sausage for Christmas gifts as I usually do. I’m gonna hunt for a hour in the morning and head home. 1BC43C54-E1C0-4F4C-903A-0A4AAAFBEDC4.jpeg

But despite things on my mind with my wife and such I had a pretty fun day. It’s been a long time since I just enjoyed the woods.
Good luck in the morning, I’m a couple hundred miles south of you near the border, don’t remember a wet cold stretch in November like the last 12 days. Will say a prayer for your wife,
Thanks all. We are home, wife isn’t doing great. I guess because of what’s going on in her throat her immune system is weak so not only does she have that going on but most likely has the flu or covid and hand, foot and mouth she caught from my daughter. I’ve quarantined her to the bedroom and am making her rest/take meds.

Apparently she took a turn for the worse while I was gone and everyone played it off, including her. I’m kinda mad about that. I’m still off the rest of the week but she was suppose to be back at work today (school teacher), I told her the school wouldn’t want her back until she’s not contagious. Being a teacher has its pros and cons but getting sick or needing time off during the school year is a pain, she’s getting docked at this point.

Not sure what my hunt plans will be the rest of the year, but if I get back out I’ll retitle the thread. I saw zero rut action during what is traditionally peak rut for us. Crazy year.
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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