Urinating Question

Big Sky Guy

Well-known member
Dec 10, 2018
When you are hunting whitetail in a tree stand where do you urinate? Do you pee in a bottle or just over the side?

My dad taught me to pee in a bottle so the deer wouldn’t smell it but after moving out west and hunting there the past 5 years I haven’t had to worry about it. I’ve been hunting here in Ohio this week on our farm and have been peeing over the side and so far can’t say it’s hurt anything.

Just curious if others do the same or what they think. I’m convinced wind is your biggest enemy and a little urine on the ground and tree isn’t going to scare the deer away anymore than catching your scent.
My experience tells me ANYTIME you can keep your scent (Urine included) down to a minimum, specially in a stand you will return to over and over you should probably consider scent control. On that note I pulled up a stump one morning, proceeded to take a piss (no pee bottle then) and there comes 11 elk within 50 yards. :unsure:

I personally am pretty anal about scent control and wind while hunting. It's tuff enough to outsmart big game, why make it harder. I don't hunt tree stands often but always carry a Pee bottle with me. Just me....It's easy enough. I personally use a Nalgene bottle it's easy enough to get the stir stick in the bottle without much fuss and mess, the bottle seals up tight. Works for me. End of season hunt I throw it away.

I do this mostly when hunting stands (both ground and tree stands).
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Always held it until recently when that just wasnt an option. Went right from the stand. Didnt see anything that day but someone who went in that stand the next day shot a deer out of it at about 30 yards.
i have been wizzing off the side last couple of years just to see what happens . This year I had a doe and a 120” buck walk about 5 feet down wind of my wet wizz leafs. They both stoped and looked around didn’t seem Alarmed at all and kept walking. Had a small rutting buck come right up and stick his nose on my wiz leafs last year .

I would say scent control is a big factor. If you are after a monster stud don’t pee. But if your happy with average bucks and does ... WIZZ away my friend
Forever I thought human urine scared away deer. Then a friend mentioned I should pee on the scrape and watch the magic. First time trying it this year - it was like the siren's call for whitetails. I've never in my life seen so many deer sniff and work a scrape in 1 day underneath my stand when I was in the stand. Instead of throwing away my pee bottle I keep it in case I have to pee when I'm walking around, then I dump the bottle on the scrape when I get to where I want to hunt.
I pee right off my stand, when in a blind, I step out and do the same. I see a scrape? Whether I'll hunt it or not, I pee in it anyway just to piss them off!
I won’t carry a pee jug because I don’t want to mix it up for a lemon lime Gatorade. This year I kept peeing off of the tree stand to a minimum and saw more deer then last year. Last year I fired at will off the side. I also hunted more mobile this year and hunted different areas so more testing is required.
I've read the human urine as no impact on deer. I've been able to verify it via trail camera activity immediately following my exit from an area.

So...for me...when I go, I go. Myth - Busted.
When I was a kid camping with my dad we would pee just out back of the tent. The deer would keep us awake all night pawing and chewing at the ground to get the salt from all that urine. I don't hunt from a stand but if I did I would pee as often as I could in all shooting lanes. works as good as a salt lick. Unlike many animals we humans don't have scent glands associated with urine. That's why we don't go around sniffing toilets when we are young and looking for a mate. So our pee doesn't smell like a threat to animals.
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