Sitka Pre Season Savings

Are you rich??

Are you rich?

  • Bill Gates is in my Fave Five

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm pretty damn wealthy and can do as I please

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I've got more than most people

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Above Average

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Working for a living (Would be in trouble if I lost my job)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Barely making it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sucking off the government teet

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


New member
Jun 5, 2004
North Pole, Alaska
I'm not talking morally, philosophically, or metaphysically. I mean cash. I'm just curious. I see a lot of people on here talking about their 10 rifles and trips to Africa and it seems to me that there are a significant amount of people on here that are well off. No one here has to tell me what they make. I am just curious if you think you are rich. Me, personally, I think I am one of those average, middle-class, kinda guys. I have the things I need and can splurge once every year or two on a big vacation or something. However, if my wife or I lost our job, we would be pretty screwed within a month. So what do you think?

I made the poll anonymous so no one has to feel bad, guilty, etc. about their answer. Be honest please. I am a curious guy.

So I guess I'll try to quantify those catagories a little....feel free to add/criticize.

Bill Gates is in my Fave Five: You could buy a yacht or airplane tomorrow and not even blink (I don't think there are any of these here)

I'm pretty damn wealthy and can do as I please: That trip to Europe or new car is really no big deal. Your children are set (if you want them to be) and you can do or buy most things without really worrying about it.

I've got more than most people: You're probably in one of the nicer parts of your town. You could survive a major financial hit. You could quit working for a year or two before things got tight.

Above Average: You are doing good. You have nice things (not to be too materialistic.) You can afford a vacation or a big ticket purchase at least once a year. You could take a moderate financial hit, but probably couldn't go without working for more than 6 months.

Working for a living (Would be in trouble if I lost my job): I think this is where most people fit in. You have the things you need. You have a few toys. You can take a vacation or buy something big every year or two. You might be able to absorb a mild financial hit. You would be in serious trouble if you went more than a month or so without work.

Barely making it: You can pay your bills and thats about it. No extra money for splurge expenses. You would be out on your ass if you missed one paycheck.

Sucking off the government teet: Self-explanatory!
fall in between a couple of the choices. but, with what I do for a living, that may change and go down. guess if you include assets, do OK. really depends on how hard I want to work anymore.
I want to combine 2 of them. I think I'm above average but I would be screwed if I lost my job. I also think Above average and more then most people answers are the same ?

I'm starting to Dabble in lending since I borrow quiet frequently. I've also helped alot of people with Credit issues and resolving those. You'd be amaised at the amount of people that make 6-9k each month and have over 20k in credit card debt, but live from Paycheck to paycheck with Zippo in a retirement account or Assets. A big NULL.

I don't take home NEAR that but I dabble in Investments. My goal is to be able to retire at 50 if I want. And by Retire, I mean hve enough in retirement assets that generates enough income for me to live on.

BHR, I've seen Joses Single wide, I'm sure you have WAY more money then him !!! :p
Good news: Daughter graduates from college next month on time (4 years including summer sessions).
Bad news: She reminded me I promised her a new car. There goes the tuition windfall.
BHR, I've seen Joses Single wide, I'm sure you have WAY more money then him !!! :p

I thought Jose had a double-wide. Poor economy taking its toll? ;)

Just curious what all of you would consider "average"?
Moosie brings up a good point. Just because you make a lot of money, it doesn't mean anything if you are heavy in debt and spending every cent of it. I guess, to me, being wealthy means that I could buy most things without worrying about how much it dents my wallet. I'm not talking about yachts and lamborghinnis. I mean, if I wanted to buy a new rifle or $1500 binoculars, I could head down to the store and buy them without checking my bank account first. I suppose the question more has to do with savings/debt than anything else. I could make a million dollars a year, but if I spent every bit of it on my house payment, I guess that means I'm not very rich after all. (and definately not very smart!)

Oak brings up a good point, too. What is average? I guess it means do you feel like you make about the same money as most people in your community. I say "your community" because 50k in Alaska and 50k in Mississippi are definately two different things.
I thought Jose had a double-wide. Poor economy taking its toll? ;)

Just curious what all of you would consider "average"?

...from wiki

In 2006, the median annual household income according to the US Census Bureau was determined to be $48,201.00.

...maybe a little over 50K today?
Funny how everyone is side stepping the real question. :)

We live in a modest house, drive used cars, have very little debt... Downside... I live in Chithole Maryland. To be honest I'm envious of the guys that get to go fishing/hunting all the time more so than how much money, vacation and toys I have. My wife loves her job like I love to hunt... I spend the money on hunting trips and toys doing what I love and she makes it doing what she loves. Works out great. LOL

I would put us above average, but in no means are we 'rich', just lucky. We don't have any kids either. The only thing ever 'given' to me was a handful of scholarships that put me through school.
I'm starting to Dabble in lending since I borrow quiet frequently.
How come that struck me as terribly funny??? Does anybody else see the irony there? :D :D :D

BHR, I've seen Joses Single wide, I'm sure you have WAY more money then him !!! :p

Moosie, I should just concede.... I will never be able to measure up to BigWhore's imaginary fortune....
Moosie brings up a good point. Just because you make a lot of money, it doesn't mean anything if you are heavy in debt and spending every cent of it. I guess, to me, being wealthy means that I could buy most things without worrying about how much it dents my wallet. I'm not talking about yachts and lamborghinnis. I mean, if I wanted to buy a new rifle or $1500 binoculars, I could head down to the store and buy them without checking my bank account first. I suppose the question more has to do with savings/debt than anything else. I could make a million dollars a year, but if I spent every bit of it on my house payment, I guess that means I'm not very rich after all. (and definately not very smart!)

"Soak Up The Sun"

My friend the communist
Holds meetings in his RV
I can't afford his gas
So I'm stuck here watching TV
I don't have digital
I don't have diddly squat
It's not having what you want
It's wanting what you've got
Funny how everyone is side stepping the real question. :)

No sidestepping, I'm not Rich, But I'm doing what I can to get there ;)

How come that struck me as terribly funny??? Does anybody else see the irony there? :D :D :D

YA, that does sound funny. I just put in an Offer on another Lease-own-today. For me to borrow money I'm paying a loan broker to put my chizz togethr. If I did that all my self and got licenced, It would cost me a fraction of what I'm paying now, resulting in putting money back into my pocket. If I sell the home to the Renter/lease-to0own person, I can pocket the financing with that too... Thats the longer explination :p
well hell, if we are talking about cash in savings or other places, then guess I'm not where I thought. figured the assets part of what I/we have. camper, farm equipment, boats, trucks, 4-wheelers, the farm and property, and of course the cows we have as well. since these could all be turned over for cash, would they count in this thread? and what about insurance policies? as the wife reminds me, worth more to her dead than alive. sometimes I hate that woman.

OK, hate to admit this, but agree with jose. does seem funny what Moosie said.

I think assets should play a role. If something happened to you or your job, you can sell off toys or cash in some assets, like home equity. Or people with a lot of investments. Even if they don't have a ton of cash on hand, they could dump some of their investments and be OK.

I don't know about the insurance though. I joke with my wife, too, about not getting too much life insurance. I want to make sure I am worth more alive than dead!!
If my son gets into the college(s) he is applying to, I am gonna' be a whole lot less "rich" than I already am. Maybe knock me down a notch to being on the gov't tit.

But, the financial aid offices tell me if I am feeding in the public trough, college is free for him. WTF? :confused:

If he takes the full-ride at the local school, I have offered him a brand new pickup of his choice. Would still be a better deal for me. ;)

I almost wrote that such should be expected from a tight-ass accountant, but a couple folks around here could/would take that literally, get quite excited, and start soliciting me. :eek:
I think the real 'rich' ones on this site are those that have their priorities where they are to allow them to do what the wish. Buying a $1000 rifle per year may make one look rich, but that's probably less than many spend on coffee, smokes, soft drinks, in a year...

That said, anyone can find out how much I make and I feel pretty confident that very few would be jealous...
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