Caribou Gear Tarp

Chewed out a Fedex driver

I've had the displeasure to have some items delivered lately by Fed Ex (f ing slow) .Some delivery's took up to 3 weeks, always some sort of delay 3 to 5 days minimum. The worst was when a package arrived 5 days late It was at the regional center and just stopped then when delivered there was this huge wet sticky spot on the front stoop from the package, My wife just put it in the garage which left another stain. I found out later that FedEx had a full pallet of jam explode in their delivery truck. No explanation or sorry either. I try to not use F ing Slow delivery at all now.
This reminds me when I sold a bunch of precious metal & sent it by
usps and it did not make the trip to the new owner. It wasn't fun refunding the $$ but the box was empty on the other end.
Had the same experience with a leupold scope with usps.
Interested in this story if you have time
asking me to expand on something can get long winded....

Saw my neighbor across the main drag run out in his bare feet looking up the side street on my side. A guy was hurrying away past my house already. I hollered at my neighbor if he wanted me to follow the guy on my bike because I could hop on my bike in seconds, where as my neighbor would take a couple minutes to get in his truck and cross the main drag.

There was no one when I got out on my bike so I started doing circles of blocks. Pretty soon I saw him in the distance and kept a long ways back while dialing my neighbor. As far as the thief could tell I was just another fat old guy on a bike. Also I didn't know what the situation was. It was only when I called that my neighbor said it was a porch pirate kind of thing.

Neighbor was already out driving around so he got to the guy in seconds, and the local police were there one minute later.

My neighbor had seen the guy walk up beside another neighbor's house, grab and open the box on the porch, and toss down the box. We have nothing against thieving folks, don't want to see them get hurt or anything, but we all watch out for each other. The car break ins and general lawlessness needs to stop. Police knew the porch pirate by name. Local.
I’ve never had a bad experience with USPS, Fed Ex, or UPS like others have mentioned. Packages are always on the front porch or in the mailbox. Generally speaking, I’ve always found that a kind word or a respectful conversation with someone gets me the outcome I’m looking for as opposed to “dressing them down.” For example, let’s say the delivery driver is brining something to my house. He or she will have to make a decision as to put the package in front of my garage or bring it up on the porch. When they are making that decision, do you want them to think of you as the nice man who lives there or the man who jumped all over me that lives there? Ymmv but this works for me.
Porch pirates and thieves in general suck, horrible people who should face higher consequences than our current justice system. At least in Ca. there is no jail and little if any deterrent for theft under about $900 (forget exact amount). Anyways my thoughts on this are screw the thief but even though customer service is lacking I currently have a bit more patience with waiters, clerks, and delivery drivers. At least these people are out working and not sucking on the government handouts. Most places are struggling to find employees and deliveries have increased greatly since the pandemic began. The FedEx driver was a bit lazy, but her response of doing right the next time seems appropriate. I hope the "chewed out" title was exaggerated and it was more of a "talking to." When I think of chewing someone out it is pretty rough and likely would not happen in that case.
I completely understand being upset with the potential for loosing a package but I imagine there was no recognition of that by delivery person and seems it will be fixed going forward.
I had a shotgun dropped at my door by Purolator delivery man. Like you, I happened to see the truck take off and was expecting a delivery. He was supposed to get a signature. There's been a big stink about that up here and another company lost their ability to ship guns and ammo. Very stupid. Especially with guns and ammo, the delivery guy should be taking photo of the recipient. Some gun runners selling to felons are simply leaving the drop house open to felons who answer the door (if courier even bothers to knock) and scratch something on the computer pad (which usually won't read it anyway). The courier drivers NEVER ask for ID. Not in my 69 years experience. About half the time Canada Post delivery requires ID. My mailman knows me so I don't expect him to ask for it.
I've recently received a passport, and original versions of my birth certificate and other identification paperwork just left at my front door by DHL that was all supposed to be signature required. Didn't even knock or ring the doorbell while I was working from home.

Anyone want to bet that the UPS and FedEx drivers & staff have one heck of a Christmas. These items become their own stash and gifts they keep or give to relatives, children, etc. It is amazing what just disappears at their warehouses prior to any delivery! IF IT LOOKS LIKE A VERY COOL TOY, KISS THAT ONE GOOD BY! It happens here all the time. My wife buys toys/gifts for our grandchildren never to ever be seen or delivered. They just can't find it, yet the manufacturer shipped it!
We must be lucky as our FedEx, UPS and USPS delivery people all bring items up to the front door, always!

I thought so to until recently. I had ammo delivered up against my closed garage door.
My driveway is only about 30 ft long to the garage door from the street. For years and hundreds of deliveries every driver put it in the screened vestibule of my front door or right at the vestibule door pretty much out of sight from the street. If I hadnt luckly seen it I would have backed over it with the truck when I pulled out of the garage. Pizzed me right off.
do you want them to think of you as the nice man who lives there or the man who jumped all over me that lives there? Ymmv but this works for me.
I want them to know me as the one that will call the main office if they refuse to have work ethics. Or maybe you did not see my other post about a box delivered with 75% of the ammo removed upon delivery? I am fed up with porch pirates and poor work ethics and Fedex has little to no desire to do anything to help curb the trend as it is not costing them anything. This country is in a world of hurt if this is the future of our work ethics. There is probably a reason why I just read Fedex is in some trouble with their business. I am trying to use UPS as much as I can now.
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I want them to know me as the one that will call the main office if they refuse to have work ethics. Or maybe you did not see my other post about a box delivered with 75% of the ammo removed upon delivery? I am fed up with porch pirates and poor work ethics and Fedex has little to no desire to do anything to help curb the trend as it is not costing them anything. This country is in a world of hurt if this is the future of our work ethics. There is probably a reason why I just read Fedex is in some trouble with their business. I am trying to use UPS as much as I can now.
I did read it and I certainly understand being peed off as I would be as well. And there is something to be said for getting in touch with someone a little higher up the food chain. Sometimes that’s all it takes. I like UPS as well. The Casey family that started and owned UPS continues to do a lot of good work through the Annie E Casey Foundation.
Porch pirates and thieves in general suck, horrible people who should face higher consequences than our current justice system. At least in Ca. there is no jail and little if any deterrent for theft under about $900 (forget exact amount). Anyways my thoughts on this are screw the thief but even though customer service is lacking I currently have a bit more patience with waiters, clerks, and delivery drivers. At least these people are out working and not sucking on the government handouts. Most places are struggling to find employees and deliveries have increased greatly since the pandemic began. The FedEx driver was a bit lazy, but her response of doing right the next time seems appropriate. I hope the "chewed out" title was exaggerated and it was more of a "talking to." When I think of chewing someone out it is pretty rough and likely would not happen in that case.
I completely understand being upset with the potential for loosing a package but I imagine there was no recognition of that by delivery person and seems it will be fixed going forward.
Yes. I go out of my way to be patient and understanding with those in service positions. It’s unreal how some folks treat them.
Was just sitting on the couch having Coffey and heard a truck drive off. The 1000.00 pair of binoculars was just dumped off next to my attached garage door because she could not waddle the extra 10 steps to the front door where I have a doorbell, and a security camera. The truck went to the end of the road and turned around so it gave me time to stand in the road and flag her down. I asked why she would drop it at the garage door instead of the extra 10 steps to the front door and ring the doorbell? She said sorry, i will do that next time. I told her no, you do it to every house you deliver to and stop being so lazy. Why am I pissed? maybe you do not know this but your fedex package INSURANCE will not cover theft from a porch pirate (garage pirate if they are as lazy as this driver) Yes, I ship a lot of stuff and for years was paying insurance thinking it covered theft, but the theft insurance is only if Fedex or any delivery company steals or loses it. Once it is delivered, and that is based on the word of the driver, you are on your own if it is stolen, or even delivered to the wrong place. That is why Amazon takes a picture of the package when dropped off, it shows they are no longer liable. I had a couple members here have packages stolen and unfortunately one was out of luck and another had a guy a block away find his spotting scope with the end of the box tore open and thrown out into his yard. So....if you have a driver that is too lazy to put an item at your door, or ring a doorbell, tell them to do so because if your package is stolen, insurance ends the moment the item is dumped on your property, insured or not. The porch pirate thing keeps getting worst so do not think you live in a safe area and it will not happen. Just a PSA

I saw this thread and needed to take a few deep breaths before I jumped in.

As the guy that is “out of luck” I have a hard time believing my package was stolen. We have packages dropped on our door step all the time, and in 3 years have never had an issue with theft. I was working from home the day that it was supposedly delivered. Hell, of the 17 homes on our Cul de Sac (that sits between two farm fields) 1/2 of the homeowners are retired. Nothing happens on our street without several of the busy-body old guys knowing about it.

I do know that I paid a large sum of money (for me) and have diddly-squat to show for it.

That sum of money was for the product itself, and for shipping. I did not choose the means and methods of shipping. I did not enter into a business relationship with his distributor, or his distributor’s chosen shipper. I was not given the choice of signature requested delivery or not, I’d have paid more for it if it was an option. I am not placated by “it’s someone else’s fault, not mine.” I paid for a product and I do not have said product in my possession.

I was offered to buy ANOTHER set of binos to replace them, at cost. So pay $300+ over retail to have the same product shipped by the same distributor, through the same shipping company, to ultimately not end up on my doorstep. Again.

As my grandfather used to say “everyone, sooner or later, accidentally takes a bite of a crap sandwich. The trick is to never take a second bite of that same crap sandwich.”

Long story short, I went down the road and bought the same binos at Sportsman’s. Sucked not using my purchase to support small business, but hey, I at least got what I paid for.
That sucks. 99% of the time, our delivery people are outstanding. But every now and then one of them looks at our driveway (it's dirt and goes about 500 feet into the woods) and decides it isn't safe for their truck. Then, they usually take the package out, put it in a plastic bag and tie the bag to a tree limb near the top of the driveway. Sometimes they're well hidden and I've missed them for a few days, a couple of times.
Was just sitting on the couch having Coffey and heard a truck drive off. The 1000.00 pair of binoculars was just dumped off next to my attached garage door because she could not waddle the extra 10 steps to the front door where I have a doorbell, and a security camera. The truck went to the end of the road and turned around so it gave me time to stand in the road and flag her down. I asked why she would drop it at the garage door instead of the extra 10 steps to the front door and ring the doorbell? She said sorry, i will do that next time. I told her no, you do it to every house you deliver to and stop being so lazy. Why am I pissed? maybe you do not know this but your fedex package INSURANCE will not cover theft from a porch pirate (garage pirate if they are as lazy as this driver) Yes, I ship a lot of stuff and for years was paying insurance thinking it covered theft, but the theft insurance is only if Fedex or any delivery company steals or loses it. Once it is delivered, and that is based on the word of the driver, you are on your own if it is stolen, or even delivered to the wrong place. That is why Amazon takes a picture of the package when dropped off, it shows they are no longer liable. I had a couple members here have packages stolen and unfortunately one was out of luck and another had a guy a block away find his spotting scope with the end of the box tore open and thrown out into his yard. So....if you have a driver that is too lazy to put an item at your door, or ring a doorbell, tell them to do so because if your package is stolen, insurance ends the moment the item is dumped on your property, insured or not. The porch pirate thing keeps getting worst so do not think you live in a safe area and it will not happen. Just a PSA
That is why you pay extra for signature required.
“I told her no, you do it to every house you deliver to and stop being so lazy.”

This b!tch is going to rub your next package in her ass crack and toss it out the window as she drives by. I can’t say I blame her because if someone stopped me in the middle of the road and told me how to do my job they would probably regret it.
My daughter has frequent deliveries from Fedex, UPS and US post office. She has the packages delivered to our house because of multiple thefts at her home.

We live outside of city limits and semi country. We have a large circular driveway and all 3 deliver to the front door and place on a table by the door. Fedex and UPS ring the doorbell. US post office just leaves the package.

All have friendly drivers and good service.
Well, just saw where a FedEx driver was fired for refusing deliveries to Biden, Harris, and BLM supporters. Can’t make that up!!!
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