Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

How close to camp?


Active member
Apr 28, 2018
Hi All,

How close is a hunting plan to camp? Is a mile too close? Attached is an image from yellowstone as an example. If you camped near the road, would your sent be pushing elk out below all night/week?1000009038.jpg
I’ve had a similar question, and I hope this gets some more detail for the OP and anyone else wondering these questions.

How close to water do you like to be? I know usually it’s colder down by the water and colder/windier way up at the peaks, so where in the middle do most people like to stay, how far are you willing to walk to get water for camp?

If you don’t know exactly where the elk are to begin with, where would you set up the least intrusive camp? Back near the road like the op suggested? Down in the opposite valley you plan on hunting? Closer to the peak so it’s easy glassing in the morning?

How many of you backcountry camp dudes worry you may have bumped the elk out while trying to camp too close?

Sorry @Flatlander3 not trying to hijack, just expand on your post! Ill butt out just say so lol
There are a lot of variables. The number one of which is the wind. If they wind you, they are gone. We have shot them within a couple hundred yards of camp, but that’s not normal. I like to be at least 1/2 mile from where I will start hunting. Another mistake that I see is hunters setting up camp in meadows, which are prime feeding areas. Set up in area that’s not a feeding area and you will be less likely to bump them.
There are a lot of variables. The number one of which is the wind. If they wind you, they are gone. We have shot them within a couple hundred yards of camp, but that’s not normal. I like to be at least 1/2 mile from where I will start hunting. Another mistake that I see is hunters setting up camp in meadows, which are prime feeding areas. Set up in area that’s not a feeding area and you will be less likely to bump them.
How far from the water source do you like to camp?
I'm certainly no expert but like most of hunting it takes experience, and very situational. Type of camp matters too, big difference to elk between a small tent tucked in the brush that is vacant before sunrise till after sunset and small stove cooking freeze dried vs wall tent, lots of people, stock, daytime occupancy, big fire/lanterns. Bring a light jumbo bladder for camp to minimize water trips.

Decent chance somebody won't like where you set up, avoiding disturbing elk in the area you plan to hunt might mean disturbing them where someone else hunts. So learn to recognize bedding and feeding areas, wallows, etc and avoid setting up too close or up wind of those areas.
A mile away is a long ways in the area I hunt most often; in fact being that far away would basically guarantee that others are camped closer. It’s all area dependent IMO.
We camp for 8 days on the edge of a lake and have done so for 15 years in the same place. We have elk within a couple hundred yards bugling most nights. Perhaps we are too close because we actually have to wear earplugs some nights because the elk are so loud.
We camp for 8 days on the edge of a lake and have done so for 15 years in the same place. We have elk within a couple hundred yards bugling most nights. Perhaps we are too close because we actually have to wear earplugs some nights because the elk are so loud.
I want to hunt where you hunt!
There's been several threads about this and I suspect it varies wildly by location, type of camp etc.

Some of our best luck / experiences have often come by getting on the bulls we hear bugling from the tent at night, especially in areas / times where the bulls only talk at night.

We try to set up camp below where we think the elk will be at night, often near a creek which (we believe) helps keep the cool thermals down in the drainage and headed down the creek. We also have a smokeless, no fire camp and keep it quiet.

That said, one of my best mornings was rolling out of a cheap 6man tent set up right next to my truck to chase two bulls that were screaming all night long about 150 - 200 yards from us. 🤷‍♂️
Hi All,

How close is a hunting plan to camp? Is a mile too close? Attached is an image from yellowstone as an example. If you camped near the road, would your sent be pushing elk out below all night/week?View attachment 324444
I kind of doubt animals will leave because they smell you at night. Used to take a wife hunting and camping with me and she'd bring her youngest son and while I'd be out hunting they would be watching animals walk through the camp site!
When I was a kid my mom shot two elk from the tent door. 257 Roberts, near where Jubilee lake is now.
Zero-dark-thirty AM I started hiking and hunting up the trail for over five miles, then hunted and hiked back, arriving back at my camper in the dark.

Meanwhile, father and two young teenage brothers camped next to me had leisurely breakfast, started up trail, and shot a bull elk within half mile of our camp.

I congratulated the successful young hunter happy for him, told them about the one moose (no tag) and zero elk I saw.

Question: Where do you find the elk? Answer: Wherever they are!
Zero-dark-thirty AM I started hiking and hunting up the trail for over five miles, then hunted and hiked back, arriving back at my camper in the dark.

Meanwhile, father and two young teenage brothers camped next to me had leisurely breakfast, started up trail, and shot a bull elk within half mile of our camp.

I congratulated the successful young hunter happy for him, told them about the one moose (no tag) and zero elk I saw.

Question: Where do you find the elk? Answer: Wherever they are!
I had a similar experience. I chased a big buck that gave me the slip all day. Put 15 miles on that day and never got within range. Got back to the truck after shooting light. As I was a 100 from the truck I shined my headlamp on the truck and saw two very nice buck, bigger than the one I was chasing stand up from essentially underneath my truck, stand perfectly broadside in my headlamp with truck as a back drop, and then take off.

I think they were using it a a wind break. Should have just slept in the truck all day!
My buddy told me a story of his hunting partner we were going to meet out in the breaks. The story took place right where we would be spending the trip. He’s out hunting his butt off in the high heat, and his partner kinda gotta bum knee and says ima head back to the 4 wheeler and wait for you there… when my buddy gets back to the quad, his buddy already has a nice bull quartered up and waiting to leave. Apparently there were two nice bulls waiting at the 4 wheeler for them. Easiest hunt ever, he said 😂