Hunting near an active fire


Well-known member
Aug 28, 2020
Montana City
Compared to most here, I'm fairly new to hunting and general off-grid outdoorsy-ness. On Sunday, a forest fire kicked up near the spot I've been archery hunting. Currently on the DNRC fire map, it's showing 650 acres and spread doesn't appear to be confined to any particular direction. To get into the drainage I hunt, the fire would need to spread a half mile or so and then crest a ridge and start burning down the drainage. So I need advice from those more experienced than me - obviously I'll keep an eye on the activity on the fire map, and maybe rain will knock it down, but is it safe and ethically reasonable (ie not risking first responders lives to save my dumb ass) to hunt there this weekend?
One wind event and this will seem like an extraordinarily bad idea.

I watched a fire run over 15 miles in the matter of an hour last year. Some folks almost didn’t get evacuated in time.

Better to stay out of the area, last thing you want is to get caught up in it. In that case pulling resources off to help you is the least amount of damage... worst case is, ya know, pretty bad.
I think its about playing it smart. Watch the weather forecast, monitor the fire closely. Look at evacuation areas. Make sure you are aware of routes out of where you are hunting. Like others have said, don't risk it if at all you feel at any point there is a risk of all of a sudden being in a situation that could have been avoided.
It's hard to say exactly without knowing the precise setup, but I would err on the side of caution based on what you describe. Landform matters a bunch but is a "known", wind matters more but is far less predictable.
I hunter what I thought was close to a fire a few years ago. I think it was about 10 miles away, I had a ridge at about 6 miles I could see and decided if it broke that I was leaving. I wasn’t far from a main road and quick access away though. If it was quite a ways back to get out of there I would’ve been out of there way sooner. Got about 2’ of snow the 2nd day I was there and got it all but put out. I think back on that and don’t think me even thinking I was being cautious was too smart.
Probably giving away too much, but if my n00b ass can find it, the area is no secret. There are no personnel on the fire and it isn't threatening any private land or structures, so the current management strategy appears to be letting it burn naturally. Probably good for the habitat quality long-term, but bad for me as this was the first spot I've found that I consistently get into elk every day I'm out with my bow. Guess it's back to the drawing board!
The inciweb page wasn't showing any closures, but I was thinking the same thing. I just checked and a closure is now in effect.
Inciweb is a good resource for the fires that are posted on it, but many aren't.

Also monitor this:
It shows 99.9% of fires out there within a day of them being discovered. Very little information beyond that but gives you an idea of what's around you.
ie not risking first responders lives to save my dumb ass)
Chances are if it's not staffed nobody's going to be saving your ass, as others have said, depends a lot on specific conditions but 1/2 mile is damn close when you're talking wildfire. I'd probably move spots.

Another good resource is:

You can bring up the layers and turn on federal lands.

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