

Dec 23, 2000
Last night:

2:00am - Finally done surfing the "net". Time to hit the hay. Decide to read for a while.

3:00am - Really time to hit the hay. Lights out.

3:15am - Brief thumping from neighbor's sound system. Go to bed, guys.

3:25am - Someone walks past my open bedroom window. Grab handgun from bedside and walk perimeter of house. Person has wisely moved on.

3:45am - Ungodly smell of New Belgium Brewery 1 mile away comes drifting through open windows. Get up and close all windows in the house.

4:00am - Rustling, loud thump near front door. Now paranoid Oak grabs gun again to investigate. Who knew the paper was delivered so early?

4:05am - Realize it's going to be light out in a little over an hour. Make coffee and read the paper.

Last night

8:30..turn off computer, go to living room to watch tv with wife.

9:15...Wife wakes me up, tells me I am snoring too loud she can't hear the tv. Sends me to bed.

9:16.. Take nightly medications, including water pill, and go to bed.

11:15 Get up to go to bathroom, and get drink of water.

12:15 Get up to go to bathroom, and get drink of water.

2:15 Get up to go to bathroom, and get drink of water.

3:00 Get up to go to bathroom, and get piece of chocolate cake, and glass of milk.

3:05 Can't sleep wife yelling at me. Sends me to guest room. She sure getting grouchy, I don't think she sleeps well.

5:00 Time to get up....still tired. Drink pot of coffee, and continue to go to bathroom.

7:00 Time for a nap.
Oak, We could have discussed wildcats or something... Maybe next time....

Whiskers,, Do you see a cycle there?? Take water pill...
Get up go to bathroom, get drink of water..
Get up go to bathroom, get drink of water...

I recognize it because I do the same thing..

Ah well.. It beats not getting up, I guess..

Water pill??? Are you guys old a broken down or something? Sounds like you need to get a peepee plumber to check things out!