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My Snow Camo Wedding dress


New member
Nov 1, 2016
Hello to fellow female hunters :) I need your opinions My future husband and I are getting married next May in the mountains in Washington state. I have bought this dress and super excited about it. I would love your opinion about flower bouqet or wildflowers to go with it I know that this is a hunting forum but ive been on some of the wedding forums and asked opinions and to be honest a lot of them were very cruel in there opinion from ugly to discusting to I wouldn't be caught dead in something atrocious as that dress so I thought I would reach out to other female hunters. Thank you
Congrats on your wedding! Don't know much about posies in Washington, but my wife and I featured a lot of wild trillium for our early June wedding in Montana. Are the rhododendren blooming that early? How about dogwood?
Did not want to be the first man to post. Your selection is perfection,

Love wedding pictures. Bride is always gorgeous.

Hope you have a good looking groom, but more important, a good man!

Best wishes!

Why are you not is the dress? Are you concerned of the groom seeing you in the dress?
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Not sure what look you are going for - I'm assuming something sort of rustic/natural given the camo? Anyway, here are some ideas...

Greenery - Dogwood or serviceberry would give you some structure with some nice leaves and white flower clusters. Salal is native and is actually a common greenery plant for arrangements. Fern fronds look woodland-y.

Flowers - natives that come to mind for the NW might be columbine, bleeding heart, larkspur. There are some native lilies that are show stoppers. Trillium are gorgeous - that was a good suggestion. There are some pretty native iris. Gerbera daisies are obviously not native, but they have that classic daisy look and can be found to suit just about any color scheme.

Hopefully something will jog an idea for you. Good luck, and congrats!
Congratulations on the wedding. I have sewn many a wedding dress (textile artist), some unconventional by modern standards. In case you didn't know, white did not become a common option until Queen Victoria's wedding in 1840, then they started ascribing all these moral meanings to white. Some of the most gorgeous wedding dresses from history are colored, patterned dresses. Your wedding dress should reflect you and your tastes, don't worry what others, especially from online sources tell you. This is your day, not theirs.

For a wedding bouquet, based on the colors in your dress, Washington has an orange honeysuckle (it is more of a burnt orange), red columbine (more marroonish orange) and tiger lillies that fall within that range of colors. For white, there is yarrow, white fawn lily and mock orange. Mock orange would also include green on thin branch sprays and smells incredible. Any of these combined with ferns would be representative of Washington and their nature.

You should be able to find a florist that can possibly get some of it for you or find plant nurseries that sell native plants. Not sure what will be in bloom in varies parts during the time of your wedding.
lol no this is the dress that we picked out together and then went to Affordable Elegance in Idaho where they hand make everyones dress to our body specs :) I'm waiting for a call to go for my first fitting :)
And my FH is my best friend and soul mate of 14 years and he said yes!
I like it.
As katqanna said " This is your day, not theirs " Do what makes you happy. There will always be people wanting you to do it their way.
lol no this is the dress that we picked out together and then went to Affordable Elegance in Idaho where they hand make everyones dress to our body specs :) I'm waiting for a call to go for my first fitting :)
And my FH is my best friend and soul mate of 14 years and he said yes!

14years and "he said yes" You had to ask him ?
Hey there, congrats on your wedding. I really loved your dress as its quite unique and will be perfect for the mountain wedding in Washington. Besides wedding dress, selecting a correct wedding arrangements will also be essential for your wedding. I would like to recommend you to choose a bouquet of blossoms which would look classy with your dress. Wildflowers can also be a great replacement of blossoms. At my sister's wedding at wedding Boca Raton look here, the bridesmaids have worn a camo dress with true timber white snowfall flowers and it was looking beautiful. You can also use these flowers in your weddings.
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