Rifle jam and bear attack.

"If memory serves me correctly"

I guess I wasn't going to assume she was lying about 2 shots going through the vitals.
Hitting vitals is pretty nebulous. You can clip a lung, ”hit vitals” and it still isn’t a good shot.

A good vital shot destroys enough vasculature that an “adrenalin dump” isn’t even possible.
I have no dog in this fight. I don't know the Stuck in the Rut folks, or Mark Peterson (video below - skip to 3:30 and place on mute so you don't have to hear the "Mark's the greatest hunter" bs).

One bear died quickly, one bear died slowly. I'm assuming it had something to do with shot placement and shot distance . . .
Hitting vitals is pretty nebulous. You can clip a lung, ”hit vitals” and it still isn’t a good shot.

A good vital shot destroys enough vasculature that an “adrenalin dump” isn’t even possible.
I've had deer shot through both lungs & the heart still go 200 yards. Every animal reacts differently to being mortally or non-mortally wounded. I bet the bear would've died whether it was shot again or not.
Keep defending the clowns.
See below. I'm still not defending them. I know you've shot enough animals to know they all react differently to being shot.

I disagree with a lot of things about the video.
No need for a 500 yard shot on a brown bear
Definitely don't shoot a "pretty hot" load when you're going after dangerous game.
Don't shoot uphill.
Don't yell at a bear to try and get it to stand up. They know where you're at then.
See below. I'm still not defending them. I know you've shot enough animals to know they all react differently to being shot.
They do react differently. And everyone that didn’t die with a half a minute and went more than about 50 yards was a shitty shot, plain and simple.

To reiterate, there is absolutely no $*)Q!#@$ way three “good shots” occurred (or one for that matter) if an animal is able to travel almost five hundred yards after the hit.
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I'm really not. I thought the video was extremely forthright. They admitted they made some mistakes and were incredibly honest throughout many parts of the video. I get that the bear should've died a lot sooner, but who am I or anyone on this site to say they're lying about where the bear was hit? I wasn't there, didn't skin the bear, and can't really have an opinion on the shot placement.

I disagree with a lot of things about the video.
No need for a 500 yard shot on a brown bear
Definitely don't shoot a "pretty hot" load when you're going after dangerous game.
Don't shoot uphill.
Don't yell at a bear to try and get it to stand up. They know where you're at then.

They also admitted that a lot of these things were things they shouldn't have done. The shitty videos are the ones where they make a terrible long range shot and you see the animal limp off and they sing praise and claim they made a great shot. Then they cut to the scene where they're at the animal and taking pictures without pointing out the mistakes that were made. This scene usually takes place the next day after they left the animal for 14 hours because they know how bad of a shot it really was.

I never insisted the shots were good shots.
A stupid comment like "iTs ThE aDreNaLiNe bRo yOu wOuLdN't gEt iT!!!" is unnecessary. I mentioned adrenaline and predators so he decided to put words in my mouth.
Yeah, but why do you keep attacking the scourge of the online hunting community, buzzh, pard?
Yeah, but why do you keep attacking the scourge of the online hunting community, buzzh?
He says a lot of asinine things. He mentioned how they don't have the ability to shoot 500 yards, and should leave their $8k boat anchor at home. They certainly have the right gun and skillset to shoot 500 yards effectively.
He says a lot of asinine things. He mentioned how they don't have the ability to shoot 500 yards, and should leave their $8k boat anchor at home. They certainly have the right gun and skillset to shoot 500 yards effectively.
Some of the other goat rope videos they have posted would say otherwise

Edit/added: see todays most recent IG post of wounding a wolf and not finding it. Why does anyone need to know this?
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He says a lot of asinine things. He mentioned how they don't have the ability to shoot 500 yards, and should leave their $8k boat anchor at home. They certainly have the right gun and skillset to shoot 500 yards effectively.
I have no idea what im talking about, but since its 11:30 and I still don't feel like going into the shop...
He just made 2 bad shots on that bear and dropped his pistol.
is that his old lady or his sister?
you're brown bear hunting, potentially gonna shoot one with a bow and you've only got 1 rifle and a pistol?
And x amount of lbs of cameras and batteries...
Bear looked like he still had plenty of life left in him to jack them up once he reached them.

but then again that dude on here that did the hike in off the highway hunt was cuddling with them while he slept so maybe idk ish about brown bears 🤷‍♂️
I've had deer shot through both lungs & the heart still go 200 yards. Every animal reacts differently to being mortally or non-mortally wounded. I bet the bear would've died whether it was shot again or not.
tell us about the shot. What caliber? What bullet? Seems very unusual.
I have no idea what im talking about, but since its 11:30 and I still don't feel like going into the shop...
He just made 2 bad shots on that bear and dropped his pistol.
is that his old lady or his sister?
you're brown bear hunting, potentially gonna shoot one with a bow and you've only got 1 rifle and a pistol?
And x amount of lbs of cameras and batteries...
Bear looked like he still had plenty of life left in him to jack them up once he reached them.

but then again that dude on here that did the hike in off the highway hunt was cuddling with them while he slept so maybe idk ish about brown bears 🤷‍♂️
That bear would've come down that mountain a lot quicker if it wasn't seriously hurting. He meandered down at a pretty slow rate. He knew where they were, if it was really just a flesh wound or a non-mortal hit, that bear would've been down to them a hell of a lot quicker.
Good God you hold yourself on a high pedestal. Did you see how much blood it lost on its way down? I can't comment on where it was hit. I didn't skin the bear. I've heard plenty of stories of mortally wounded predators running on adrenaline when they should've been dead.

Maybe she's considering through the vitals a gut shot? I have no way of knowing. But it sure bled like a stuck pig. I'd agree that a good shot would put the bear down a hell of a lot sooner.
Its not how much blood they loose its how fast they loose it
tell us about the shot. What caliber? What bullet? Seems very unusual.
338 wm. 200gr SST. I was working on finding a bullet I liked for the rifle. The bullet didn't expand at all on this deer. I shot a deer the year before with the same load and it almost did too much damage. Both were right around 100 yard shots.

The one that went 200 yards was a charged up buck in the heat of the rut.
That bear would've come down that mountain a lot quicker if it wasn't seriously hurting. He meandered down at a pretty slow rate. He knew where they were, if it was really just a flesh wound or a non-mortal hit, that bear would've been down to them a hell of a lot quicker.
bruh, im an expert in bear thoughts.
this bear was like "hmmm what in the stinking heck just bit me? smells like it came from down there, but im not 100% sure. let me leisurely walk down this hill and see what these things are. perhaps they're the culprits"
It looked like he was just being a bear and taking his time through the deep pow to me.
He says a lot of asinine things. He mentioned how they don't have the ability to shoot 500 yards, and should leave their $8k boat anchor at home. They certainly have the right gun and skillset to shoot 500 yards effectively.
does a bear have the endurance to run that kind of distance?
bruh, im an expert in bear thoughts.
this bear was like "hmmm what in the stinking heck just bit me? smells like it came from down there, but im not 100% sure. let me leisurely walk down this hill and see what these things are. perhaps they're the culprits"
It looked like he was just being a bear and taking his time through the deep pow to me.
Not the deep pow talk.....

The hollering at the bear to try and get it to stand up gave the bear a pretty good idea I'm guessing.

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