Caribou Gear Tarp

She wasn't a good bird dog

I’m another one who’s been through it with my own dogs and with others’. My wife is a vet and I get to be her after-hours vet tech. We’ve had some very sad cases that made it apparent to the owners that it was time to say goodbye, even though it was clear to everyone else that it was way past due. We’ve also had dogs come in so full of cancer that you wonder how they are still happy and moving around. My verdict is it’s always better to leave on a good day than it is to drag it along for the owner’s reasons. At the end of the day you are responsible for your pet and sometimes the best choice is the hardest for us to cope with, and grieve through.

Most dogs I help my wife with that are surrounded by family, and you can tell they are well loved family members, I don’t make it through dry-eyed. I gotta step away as it always brings me back to that summer afternoon that I said goodbye to my dog that was with me through my teen years.

Every time I think about this, it makes me want to spend more time with my current dog, run through the yard like an idiot and live it up with her. After all, I know she won’t be around forever. Best to make each day great as much as we can.

Hang in there neffa, we know what you’re going through and it plain sucks more than most things in our lives.
If it’s any consolation, I’ve had dogs put down, and I’ve had dogs go on their own. In the end, it hurt the same.

Hang her collar up in remembrance, and go take that pup out. Grouse season is open and she’d love to ease your pain.
If it’s any consolation, I’ve had dogs put down, and I’ve had dogs go on their own. In the end, it hurt the same.

Hang her collar up in remembrance, and go take that pup out. Grouse season is open and she’d love to ease your pain.
While we'd both love to, I head out for WY tomorrow night and the in-laws on coming into town today to help out while I'm gone, so I'd best play mr mom, get home a little early and cook everyone a nice meal, that'll give me time pack my last tid bits that I'm sure I'm forgetting (almost forgot my damn tag until last night). Hopefully I don't forget my bow (did that before).
Man, read this one this morning and chocked up all over again.

Chad Love has got to be one of the better writers out there, I need a Quail Forever membership just to read him more frequently.
Good writing digs up the hard moments neffa . . . worth it tho.
Man, read this one this morning and chocked up all over again.

Chad Love has got to be one of the better writers out there, I need a Quail Forever membership just to read him more frequently.
Beautiful writing, you're right. Made me think of my Otis. Thank you for sharing that, might never have seen it otherwise.
So sorry neffa. I caught myself getting ready to call my Zoey to bed the other evening. It's been 2-1/2 years (at least) since she's been gone.
It's a tough deal.

We did something similar to this for the kids' dog several years ago...

View attachment 239606

I kinda laughed when I saw this. If we did that with our wenier dog we lost few months back it would have cactus.

13 years old he was and he passed in my wifes arms infront of a fireplace.

Dogs are too awesome to not go somewhere cool after they pass. Pretty sure Riley is tearing the ass out of yet another chicken that he managed to corner. Such a little shit, but we miss him a ton.

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