Caribou Gear

Thank you Addicting!!!


Well-known member
Jun 13, 2018
@Addicting helped me out immensely, and he didn’t even know it. Let me explain…

My family is going through some “stuff” right now, and it seemingly forced me to make a tough decision to bail on my dad and brother for our WY mule deer hunt that we have been planning for a couple of years. I put off making the decision for a long time, truly praying that things would change with the family member that is creating issues with me allowing myself to step away for this trip that would leave my wife in a bind. I won’t go into the details, but I’m sure that many if you have been in a similar situation with kids pushing back and making life harder on the whole family. I decided just a few days ago to throw in the towel and I started unpacking my stuff, effectively eating my tag and burning my points. I was certain at that time that it was the right decision for my family, but I was very down in the dumps about it while I prayed for God to open some unexpected pathway that I hadn’t considered beforehand. I was even more irritated that I ended up spending my afternoon alone at home yesterday watching college football (I had to work in the morning in Nashville, then my Dawgs played horrible, which added to my frustration) by myself while my wife and kids were gone to a birthday party and some shopping, and then the internet started buffering on college football! Argh!

So what does any self respecting man start doing in a situation like that? I started checking in on HT. And then I found @Addicting’s story about his antelope hunt that turned south on him, only for him to make a rally on it with his 9yo son and turn it into a raving success. It was touching at the time, but it didn’t hit me until later that my son is almost 9 and he’s probably ready to make this kind of a trip with me, which could lead to some positive opportunities on the home front if I play my cards right and shorten my trip. So at 9:00 last night my rally started and my rally plan is coming together at the last minute:

I talked to my wife last night, and she was preliminarily onboard. I then got my son out of bed and asked him if he wanted to drive with me out to WY for an adventure? He asked if we were going to Wall Drug (maybe), and what hotel we would be staying in… “Well, Buddy, it’s not that kinda trip. We’ll be camping mostly.”

What about a stop at a hotel along the way? “More likely a rest stop for a couple of hours of shut eye when daddy gets tired. On the way back we’ll probably stay in a hotel one night.”

What will we eat? “Probably granola bars, beenie weenies, and sandwiches, with an occasional restaurant trip if we relocate or need to take a break.”

Oh, so this is a real “manventure”, huh Daddy? “Yes, yes it is.”

Sounds like fun.

He’s in!

Sounds like we’re going on a “manventure” !!! (his word, not mine)

I have to work a busy schedule this week, with a decent bit of travel and onboarding a new employee. Not much time to pack AT ALL. We’ll probably overpack some stuff, and forget some stuff. Going to leave early Friday morning, and we’ll meet up with my dad and brother when we get there.

Lord knows only if we’ll see a deer, but a good armed hike with my son, dad and brother will be nice. Maybe it will turn out as successful as @Addicting’s hunt, regardless of the kill.

This is likely to be a carnival, but will probably turn out wild, crazy, and fun because of it. You know, that “best laid plans of mice and men” thing? To be continued…
Thanks for the kind words.

After 4 seasons with kids here are my take aways.

Camping in the car with the back seats down works well. That is why I take the grocery getter. Pulled into a rest stop and we “car camped”.

I also make them up a nest in the back where they could get out of the seat for a little while and move around. On long stretches of boring highway this pays great dividends in making the trip better for them. I know there are seatbelt laws and I used my best judgment on when to allow it.

Find a hotel with a pool, one night in a pool makes up for a lot of concessions that the kids have to make.

Shoot what makes them happy and excited. The trophy is time with him.
Yeah, he’s my third child, but my first two were girls and they have approached life and the outdoors very differently, for obvious reasons. My last western hunt was with my now-17yo daughter on an antelope hunt in the same area that I’m about to go to. She was not “rugged enough” to go until she was in her tweens-teens. My middle child is never going to want to be in the rough and tumble. I’m having to reprogram my brain on my boy to realize that, although he’s still young, he’s willing to push a little harder. I’m glad for that. I’d never trade the outdoors experiences that I’ve had with my girls, but I’ll definitely be able to push harder with my little man
Yeah, he’s my third child, but my first two were girls and they have approached life and the outdoors very differently, for obvious reasons. My last western hunt was with my now-17yo daughter on an antelope hunt in the same area that I’m about to go to. She was not “rugged enough” to go until she was in her tweens-teens. My middle child is never going to want to be in the rough and tumble. I’m having to reprogram my brain on my boy to realize that, although he’s still young, he’s willing to push a little harder. I’m glad for that. I’d never trade the outdoors experiences that I’ve had with my girls, but I’ll definitely be able to push harder with my little man
My girl is better than Mater in the field. He is a rough and tumble boy but not a perseverance tough kid. She can suck it up, cry, then keep going. He can whine, complain, get cranky, then be on cloud nine. At 9 he is much younger emotionally than she was at the same age.

Let your boy dictate the pace and how far to push. Make sure there is a non hunting reward waiting for him. Make planned stops at his interest along the route.
He’s already asked about Wall Drug. He really liked it back in the spring. I’m sure that he’ll mention a few things along the way
He’s already asked about Wall Drug. He really liked it back in the spring. I’m sure that he’ll mention a few things along the way
Mater wanted the I80 truck stop and stopping to play with a rancher’s dogs. Kids definitely have a different view on what’s important.

Enjoy your Dad / Son time, I will be rooting for you.
Just got back last night… exhausted, empty handed, yet satisfied. Was a great trip, even though buck sightings were low (1 by me, my dad and brother saw a couple, with my dad missing 1). Saw LOTS of does. Enjoyed time with my son. No regrets being in WY and taking armed hikes, looking at the biodiversity in such a rugged landscape. Memories were made, and my son soaked up every bit of it and wants to go back.

Oh yeah… he wanted to hit Wall Drug and Qdoba, along with a Chik-fil-a milkshake on the way home. His only other thing that he was looking forward to was a letdown for him… mountain house creamy mac n cheese, by which he was underwhelmed.

I also had an experience that would have made @OntarioHunter proud, in which severe intestinal cramps led to cacophonous bowel evacuation, and coming home with 1 less pair of boxer briefs. But no poop was burned on this trip
@Addicting helped me out immensely, and he didn’t even know it. Let me explain…

My family is going through some “stuff” right now, and it seemingly forced me to make a tough decision to bail on my dad and brother for our WY mule deer hunt that we have been planning for a couple of years. I put off making the decision for a long time, truly praying that things would change with the family member that is creating issues with me allowing myself to step away for this trip that would leave my wife in a bind. I won’t go into the details, but I’m sure that many if you have been in a similar situation with kids pushing back and making life harder on the whole family. I decided just a few days ago to throw in the towel and I started unpacking my stuff, effectively eating my tag and burning my points. I was certain at that time that it was the right decision for my family, but I was very down in the dumps about it while I prayed for God to open some unexpected pathway that I hadn’t considered beforehand. I was even more irritated that I ended up spending my afternoon alone at home yesterday watching college football (I had to work in the morning in Nashville, then my Dawgs played horrible, which added to my frustration) by myself while my wife and kids were gone to a birthday party and some shopping, and then the internet started buffering on college football! Argh!

So what does any self respecting man start doing in a situation like that? I started checking in on HT. And then I found @Addicting’s story about his antelope hunt that turned south on him, only for him to make a rally on it with his 9yo son and turn it into a raving success. It was touching at the time, but it didn’t hit me until later that my son is almost 9 and he’s probably ready to make this kind of a trip with me, which could lead to some positive opportunities on the home front if I play my cards right and shorten my trip. So at 9:00 last night my rally started and my rally plan is coming together at the last minute:

I talked to my wife last night, and she was preliminarily onboard. I then got my son out of bed and asked him if he wanted to drive with me out to WY for an adventure? He asked if we were going to Wall Drug (maybe), and what hotel we would be staying in… “Well, Buddy, it’s not that kinda trip. We’ll be camping mostly.”

What about a stop at a hotel along the way? “More likely a rest stop for a couple of hours of shut eye when daddy gets tired. On the way back we’ll probably stay in a hotel one night.”

What will we eat? “Probably granola bars, beenie weenies, and sandwiches, with an occasional restaurant trip if we relocate or need to take a break.”

Oh, so this is a real “manventure”, huh Daddy? “Yes, yes it is.”

Sounds like fun.

He’s in!

Sounds like we’re going on a “manventure” !!! (his word, not mine)

I have to work a busy schedule this week, with a decent bit of travel and onboarding a new employee. Not much time to pack AT ALL. We’ll probably overpack some stuff, and forget some stuff. Going to leave early Friday morning, and we’ll meet up with my dad and brother when we get there.

Lord knows only if we’ll see a deer, but a good armed hike with my son, dad and brother will be nice. Maybe it will turn out as successful as @Addicting’s hunt, regardless of the kill.

This is likely to be a carnival, but will probably turn out wild, crazy, and fun because of it. You know, that “best laid plans of mice and men” thing? To be continued…
I just got back from a trip like this with my 30 year old son. Ate tag soup and didn't fish more than 30 minutes in 2 weeks in Alaska. Loved every minute of it.

Don't get hung up on punching that tag and enjoy this special time.
They have pretty good food and this time of the year, its not quite that crazy. That being said, I usually just shop for groceries at the only grocery store in town and skip the tourist stuff. Had to do it once with the family though.
Glad you had a good trip. Not punching a tag isn’t the memory they will keep. They seem to remember obscure moments of these trips that made them smile. Looks like you gave him many opportunities.

Mater laughs at how bad a fart was in the car ride, it left everyone gagging. How well he napped in the car while I was out dealing with the antelope and cooler. It’s funny on what is impactful to their memory at that age.
It’s hokey, but the kids love it. Donuts are really good
Yah if I had the boys along I'd probably stop just because you gotta stop anyway. I was never so happy to stop passing those signs. Idk why but they annoyed the shit out of me. Glad you had a good time with your boy out there
Yah if I had the boys along I'd probably stop just because you gotta stop anyway. I was never so happy to stop passing those signs. Idk why but they annoyed the shit out of me. Glad you had a good time with your boy out there
You should stop, you will never have the experience of telling your kids NO more times per square foot. It’s truly quite impressive the amount of Chinese connexs trinkets they have stuffed into kids eye level.

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