Caribou Gear

To signup for GoHunt or not? Please share your thoughts.


Active member
Nov 1, 2020
I'm debating on if I should signup for GoHunt. It gets talked about a lot on Youtube videos, but I wanted some insight from those of you who have used it personally. Is it worth it? Did you sign up every year or just once? Any info would be appreciated. I'm seriously looking to hunt out of state in 2021 or 2022, so my hope would be that it could really help with that planning. Thank you in advance.
I had it for a year. I get the same information now for much cheaper or free.
I looked into it but for the price I figured I could do the research myself. If I was planning multiple trips out west every year it would make life alot easier.
tough to say, each person needs are different.

i don't have it. i always say i'll consider it when i am applying in more than three western states, cause balancing everything in my brain would likely get easier with the quick info it can provide

but i don't have i and i don't expect to have it anytime soon. i'm adding new mexico to my applications this coming season on top of colorado and wyoming. new mexico is very easy to handle when it comes to figuring things out IMO.

i've usually had too many tags for my schedule between colorado and wyoming. i'm only die hard adding new mexico in because for the first time i got toally burned on wyoming last year. don't want to only end up with colorado tags.... do we need to start a thread on "colorado hates Rs" to go along with the idaho hates NRs thread?

i think if i slowly take it state by state year by year i will never see a need to sign up for go hunt. if i wanted to to do colorado, new mexico, wyoming, montana, idaho, and arizona this year.... i probably would've signed up.

i dunno what i'm trying to say.... i guess that i don't see a need for gohunt at the moment and i'm not sure i will.
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It’s a great tool for information. I have had the GoHunt in the past and have a Huntin Fool account now. It’s not a necessity by any means but it can make applying over multiple states for multiple species a little easier. Both of those services are good and there may be more that I don’t know of.
I had it for a year and dropped it. Granted I live in CO and really only hunt in state other than going to Wyoming for Pronghorn. If I was trying to come up with a long term hunting plan for different species and states in the west it would definitely be worth it, but thats not me. All the info I need I can gather from game and fish agency websites. Its a little harder to sift thru but because I'm only really focusing on two states, it isn't much of a burden. Haven't looked at their mapping software, but it seems pretty legit.
It’s a great tool for information. I have had the GoHunt in the past and have a Huntin Fool account now. It’s not a necessity by any means but it can make applying over multiple states for multiple species a little easier. Both of those services are good and there may be more that I don’t know of.
I haven't checked out Huntin Fool, I'll have to look into that one.
If you do one state, probably not. If you hunt multiple states then its worth it. If you want to find more opportunities to hunt, then absolutely. I use it extensively and have found it to be very helpful. Also, if you are new to out of state hunting then there will be info in there that will serve you well.
In its current form (lack of mobile map app), it’s useful if you hunt multiple states. The ability to research draw odds, app dates, etc. across multiple states in a common format is a time saver that for me is worth the subscription cost. Trying to navigate multiples state’s websites, all in different formats with varying levels of usability) to find this information can get pretty frustrating.

Once they release the mobile version of their new mapping app, then it can easily replace OnX. As for now, I’ve kept subscriptions to both. But hoping to be able to switch to GoHunt maps soon and move away from OnX. OnX has been great, but I can’t justify the cost if GoHunt is offering an equal or better product at no additional cost to what I already pay for GoHunt. OnX’s attempt to push out 3D maps was pretty underwhelming compared to what GoHunt did. Now if GoHunt can just get that into a mobile app I’ll be able to switch over.
To echo what others have said; I initially signed up for it a couple of years ago when I started making a long-term, multi-state hunting plans with plans to cancel after a year or two. I think if that is what you are looking to do it is a very handy, consolidated tool. I most likely would have cancelled after a year if I was only hunting one or two states.

With the mapping coming out, I think it will be really good value provided the subscription price remains the same.
I'm a relatively new western hunter and I find it useful for looking at opportunities across the west. If you are only hunting 1 state and been at it for awhile I think the value is much lower.
I just signed up a couple of month ago and really enjoy it. At this point in time Im putting in preference points but will be applying for tags when the odds are better to draw.
As some one who is building points and/or applying in 5 or 6 different states, I think it is worth it just on account of the time it saves me in going through all the data for all those states myself. Add in a few of the extras that come along with the subscription such as the maps once they are on mobile, the store, the articles, etc. and I would call it a good value.
It was really helpful when I first got into hunting and started applying in multiple states. It’s a great overview. But now that I’ve spent a ton of time navigating multiple fish and game websites, have other tools like this forum, and have settled on the states that I apply in every year, I’m not sure it’s necessary. Many states fish and game websites have incredibly helpful information, all of which is free.

I will say though, gohunt is a lot of fun to look at and a great site to accidentally spend four hours of your time without realizing it.
Thanks for all the replies. I think based on what was said here, I will pass on GoHunt. Besides the state I live in (Oregon), Idaho is the only other one I’m interested in hunting this coming year. So I’ll just stick with OnX and free fish and game sites. In 2022, I’ll add Wyoming, but we will see what is out there at that time. Thanks again everyone.
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