Resources for engaging in MN issues

Wind Gypsy

Well-known member
Mar 12, 2017
Admission: I've not valued the hunting opportunities available in my home state enough in the past to get involved. That is changing and I'd like to share a voice more often. That said, I'm not aware of any resources that share the status of current bills, appropriate contacts, etc for current issues like we see on Hunttalk for montana issues.

If anyone could point me in the right direction on how to track bill status and find out who should be contacted that would be very helpful!
About the only thing out there is MOHA. Minnesota Outdoor Heritage Alliance. Last I heard, there were looking for a new director, but their mission was to play watchdog over the legislature. They used to send out a newsletter/email.
Yep, forgot about ON. I have a buddy who is an editor for them, he would kill me if he knew I forgot them! I wasn't thinking publications!
Another source has been Back Country Hunters and Anglers. I receive periodic emails from them about critical legislation. Got one last night that the House passed a ban on wolf hunting and pushed it over to the Senate in the omnibus bill for environment and natural resources.