A Once in a Lifetime AZ Desert Bighorn Sheep Experience

Congratulations again and thank you for sharing I appreciate it. What year was your hunt I for some reason thought it was this year.
I was able to find the video and figured out that this hunt was in 2022 thanks for telling us all about it and great shot!
Congrats! I apply Kofa as one of my choices knowing prob never happen with my mere 20 nonres points and counting.

Watched the video, pretty easy to find on YouTube searching “Kofa Ram 2022” for those interested.

Not sure why the reluctance to credit guide fully and post the video link, it is extremely well done with great photography that ADDS to the story showing the candidate rams. He really shows the spotted sheep during hunt well and the final outcome. Sounds like was a great choice to go guided. I had my first DIY archery sheep tag in 2005 and hunted 20 days in a rough unit seeing few rams, which made a low success odds hunt a lot tougher.

Again congrats and thanks for sharing. Gorgeous ram.

What optics did you take on the hunt? you mentioned needed something different. Worst thing I ever did in my hunt career, so far, was waiting till a few years ago to buy top end binos.

Hard to imagine a 16 yr old athlete doing anything other than running circles around grand dad on the hunt. Head scratcher. Hopefully he was inspired to keep at it for the future and his own hunts.
Keep applying, you never know when the chance will come.

Have spoke to Pat (my guide) regarding this, & he is aware that I am trying to follow this forum's guidelines regarding DIY hunts, & advertising. Have hunted DIY for most of my adult life, travelling to several states in the process. This was an exception, an incredible exception, that would have not been possible without Pat's assit.

I purchased a Leupold 20-40 with 60 MM lens. Don't get me wrong it is a great scope. The guide was using a Swarovoski 80 MM with a Dual eye piece adapter. That thing was incredible, & is worth over $6k. Also used a pair of Leupold 10x42 BX-4's. These are the best binos I've owned, & their price was reasonable.

My Grandson did run circles around me, after he got the habit of using the trekking poles.

Thanks for the feedback.
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Congratulations. What a great story. Thank you for the write up!
It was a joy to ride through that with you.

Again, Congratulations and what a story. Fantastic looking Ram!
Glad I finally got home and have had time to cruise a few of the threads that are hunting stories. This one is remarkable in many ways. Congratulations on the great ram and for giving it the effort you did. And thanks for telling the story here in exacting detail accompanied by the pictures. Very compelling.

As for the video, posting a video like that which is not a YouTube channel you own as a business is not against any rules. I hope you don't mind me posting that video here for all to see.

Glad I finally got home and have had time to cruise a few of the threads that are hunting stories. This one is remarkable in many ways. Congratulations on the great ram and for giving it the effort you did. And thanks for telling the story here in exacting detail accompanied by the pictures. Very compelling.

As for the video, posting a video like that which is not a YouTube channel you own as a business is not against any rules. I hope you don't mind me posting that video here for all to see.

Not at all, appreciate the feedback.. it means alot. This adventure reinforced an old adage that has become a cornerstone for me, with this hunt going down to the last hours, before filling my tag. "You get out of this life what you put into it".
Best hunting story I've read in a long long time! Beautiful photo's and great video. I envy you! My days of being able to do that are past but this story was really really good. Have seen several Desert Bighorns in my life. I40 coming out of Utah into a bit of Arizona is absolutely beautiful and saw a few in there. Then south of Bullhead City on the way to Phoenix, just past the dam on the south side I've seen a number of them. Beautiful animals! Thanks a ton!

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